Weather was pretty poor, fog was creeping in as well so driving there was a touch sketchy. Rained on and off for the whole session which was 10 x 400m with 200m jog recovery. It was along the aquaduct so on a 4 x 4 track and with 200 people on the run, it was mental. No room at all and overtaking was a nightmare with the elite devils coming back the other way.
Times were a disgrace but it turned into more of a threshold because there was zero room. First one was more of a warm up. Everything was between 1:30 and 1:22. The fastest was the last which was great! Jogged a cool down with Sam and Stace. 13km all up.
Rode with Dad in the morning. Still keen to not wreck myself running just to be certain nothing is coming back to bite so I was glad for a bit of pedal pushing despite being in the rain. Scenery is amazing up here but we couldn't see anything because of the fog. Looked like something out of LOTR. Felt awesome at halfway, but the wind and rain had me hurting on the way home. Good workout with lots of up and down. 42km all up, not sure of the time or how fast.
Infamous Fitzy's Hut run this morning. Lathered my build in sunscreen before heading out. I was warned about a rough hill about 7k in some decided to feel good at the bottom of it and see how I went. Wasn't trusting my fitness either so ran with Stace, Anna, Beau and Bec along the aquaduct before we split up a bit after the hill. Hill was rough, but I wasn't trying to thrash myself either. Heart rate was way up though definitely wasn't easy.
Managed to get lost at one point down another hill, 100% my fault, but it added another 500 on which was nice.
Kept the pace strong along the top of the mountain ridge but it was pretty windy. Got rolling along the downwards section hitting 4:00 for the latter kms. Pretty knackered by the finish and quads are tender now. Hit the aquaduct afterwards which was packed, ended up sitting next to Mona, but I left him alone, I'm sure he gets enough attention from tryhards like me.
16.9km in 1:21:06 (4:48s). It's meant to be a threshold along the top so I might give that a go next Saturday morning.
Friday, 30 December 2016
Wednesday, 28 December 2016
Falls Creek Days 1, 2 and 3
Bit of a catch up today as I've had some rough connection to the internet. Drove up no worries and arrived Monday afternoon. Got out for my first run back from injury. I was a touch unsure as to how it was going to go but turned out amazing! so so happy that I'll be able to run while on the training camp.
Day 1
7.8km in not sure what time. Felt great although a touch out of shape, but no stress, it'll all come together in no time.
Day 2
Yesterday there was a 6 x 1km session along the aquaduct beyond Langford's gap. I just ran the 5km warm up, then ran home a touch quick, looking for a threshold pace. Ended up running at about 3:55s and getting a decent workout in. 9.7km all together.
Light strength session in the arvo involving a lot of core and hip stuff, followed by a friendly game of soccer with the guys. I've still got it, not to worry.
Had a small chat to Lesley and Trevor in the evening. They seem to think it's all going to come together for me next year, but I'm just keen to take it a bit easy for a time so this injury doesn't come back.
Day 3
Keen to take the impact off the ankle today so got on the bike with Dad, Chris Allan, Bec, some other dude? and Sonia O'Sullivan, who's the women's 2000m world record holder. It always gets me that she's a part of GHY.
Basically 30km straight downhill to Mount Beauty before straight back up the 30km to falls creek. So so tough especially the final 6km. Got dropped about 7km from the finish, felt great up until then. I reckon I should've had some more food at halfway. I suck a descending, although I just need some practice. Absolutely knackered when I got back, sat down for at least 3 hours before i had any energy to go for a walk around with Jasp. Pretty much maxxing out for 100 minutes, gahhd that was so tough.
Went to a seminar with everyone this arvo. Brett Robinson, Luke Matthews, Sarah Klein and Linden Hall were all there speaking. Pretty funny at some points, although all Robinson does is run. Like he does nothing else at all.
Going to try a session tomorrow morning. It's a 400 session on a soft surface so pretty perfect. Hopefully it goes well.
I've also agreed to do a "who can run the most kilometres" competition in 2017 with JB. My plan is just to keep it consistent although I reckon I'll switch out a Friday run for a cycle. It's more to keep JB motivated as he probably needs a shove. If he ran 85k a week, he'd be so damn fast.
Friday, 23 December 2016
Catch up
Went to the Velodrome to do a session on the track. Managed 4 x 10 mins w/ 3 mins slow cycle recover between reps. Really tough, 41km all up.
Spent most of the day buying bike stuff and fitting it on. Got new cleats, pedals and tires and only managed to get in 15km before work.
Rode with Mahoney up to Ferny creek! Great ride and we turned around at the start of the normal long run. God the hills were really tough in the Dandenongs, but I think I went okay. Cleats are great.
Shin and ankle are both feeling loads better, feeling much stronger and no pain when jogging at the moment. Everything is looking up! 76km today. Stopped off at Jells park to have a chat to those who had just finished the hill session.
Went to the Velodrome to do a session on the track. Managed 4 x 10 mins w/ 3 mins slow cycle recover between reps. Really tough, 41km all up.
Spent most of the day buying bike stuff and fitting it on. Got new cleats, pedals and tires and only managed to get in 15km before work.
Rode with Mahoney up to Ferny creek! Great ride and we turned around at the start of the normal long run. God the hills were really tough in the Dandenongs, but I think I went okay. Cleats are great.
Shin and ankle are both feeling loads better, feeling much stronger and no pain when jogging at the moment. Everything is looking up! 76km today. Stopped off at Jells park to have a chat to those who had just finished the hill session.
Wednesday, 21 December 2016
On the bike
So went to the physio Tuesday arvo and go the low down from Nathan. Basically a loading problem and very tight calves. So lots of stretching and rolling and no running for a bit, but it's all good as I can still get some cardio in on the bike.
Also had needling done at the physio, felt so strange, my muscle was tensing without me telling it to and it was a pretty strange experience with it hurting not as much as I expected. Very sore afterwards though, just felt bruised. Physio said that I should go on the bike for the next week before Falls Creek, then I can start back running easy and get back into it properly in a few weeks. I'm just glad I went to see the Physio relatively early.
He also reckons that I should stop running 7 days a week and get back on the bike at least one day, so once I'm doing full mileage, I might sub out the Friday run for a cycle. I'm going to get cleats, pedals and some slimmer wheels as well now I can afford it from all these jobs so I'll feel like less of an amateur, and apparently the shoes make such a difference.
Went 30km with Dad in the evening. Great ride although I've lost my cycling form that I had at the start of the year. Too much running apparently.
Yesterday felt a lot looser and less sore so 40km solo although overtook a guy and we rode together on the way home, making the pace go right up. Managed to average 30.1km/h so I was pretty happy with that, especially with the headwind on the way out.
Glenhuntly Christmas party yesterday was a good laugh. Got some running socks out of the Kris Kringle and I reckon that's just about the best present you can hope for out of one of those things.
Also had needling done at the physio, felt so strange, my muscle was tensing without me telling it to and it was a pretty strange experience with it hurting not as much as I expected. Very sore afterwards though, just felt bruised. Physio said that I should go on the bike for the next week before Falls Creek, then I can start back running easy and get back into it properly in a few weeks. I'm just glad I went to see the Physio relatively early.
He also reckons that I should stop running 7 days a week and get back on the bike at least one day, so once I'm doing full mileage, I might sub out the Friday run for a cycle. I'm going to get cleats, pedals and some slimmer wheels as well now I can afford it from all these jobs so I'll feel like less of an amateur, and apparently the shoes make such a difference.
Went 30km with Dad in the evening. Great ride although I've lost my cycling form that I had at the start of the year. Too much running apparently.
Yesterday felt a lot looser and less sore so 40km solo although overtook a guy and we rode together on the way home, making the pace go right up. Managed to average 30.1km/h so I was pretty happy with that, especially with the headwind on the way out.
Glenhuntly Christmas party yesterday was a good laugh. Got some running socks out of the Kris Kringle and I reckon that's just about the best present you can hope for out of one of those things.
Sunday, 18 December 2016
Gahd so that ankle problem didn't get any better. Now my right calf is insanely tight, it's unlike anything I've ever felt. I've tried lots of rolling and stretching but nothing has really changed it. Ankle isn't hurting but every time I take a running step, the inside of the lower part of my shin hurts so I think I've got shin splints, all stemming from the tight calf. Gahd couldn't happy at a worse time 1 week before falls creek. I'm seeing the physio tomorrow, hopefully something can get sorted out. I'll just rest up before then, but if I can't run leading up to falls, I'll be getting on the bike instead.
Friday, 16 December 2016
Rough shift last night and was considering getting some sleep instead but lugged my build up to hills. Ankle was a bit sore on the warm up, but session and cool down was completely fine no pain at all. Looked up some strengthening stuff on the internet for it too so gave that a go standing one legged on a cushion and throwing a ball to mum so I'll try and keep that up regularly.
Hills went really well, Jasper talked me into doing 8 when I probably should've only done 6 because of the race Tuesday. Ah well I'll take it real easy the next couple of days.
1:08, 1:11, 1:12, 1:10, 1:11 1:11, 1:11, 1:08
22:35 all up, thankful to have Chris Winter with me on the last couple, definitely took a few seconds off racing on the last. 12.1km all up good session. Gonna have a massive roll and stretch right now.
Hills went really well, Jasper talked me into doing 8 when I probably should've only done 6 because of the race Tuesday. Ah well I'll take it real easy the next couple of days.
1:08, 1:11, 1:12, 1:10, 1:11 1:11, 1:11, 1:08
22:35 all up, thankful to have Chris Winter with me on the last couple, definitely took a few seconds off racing on the last. 12.1km all up good session. Gonna have a massive roll and stretch right now.
Ankle has been a bit sore recently and everytime I get sore, it's normally because my shoes have seen too many kilometres. Got down to the New Balance factory outlet yesterday and got a pair of Vazee Paces and a pair of 1260 V5s.
Easy run yesterday in the V5s no worries, felt real bouncy which was great. 5k in 22:40 no stress. Followed by Anna's strength session that got postponed from Thursday night. After not having done it for a few weeks it was really tough and I'm feeling it right now after hills.
Easy run yesterday in the V5s no worries, felt real bouncy which was great. 5k in 22:40 no stress. Followed by Anna's strength session that got postponed from Thursday night. After not having done it for a few weeks it was really tough and I'm feeling it right now after hills.
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Gahd easy runs are so much easier when you do them with people. Had to get up early before work to get a run in and it was pretty tough backing up after the 800s the night before. 11.5km in 53:49 (4:41s). Legs really sore and tight, I need a major stretch and roll.
Went to the Flume concert in the evening after work. Great concert, really enjoyed it. That man is a god.
Went to the Flume concert in the evening after work. Great concert, really enjoyed it. That man is a god.
6 x 800m
Less speed wedensday which was nice. 6 800s although not too many doing the session due to shield last night. Trained with JB and Chris Winter. Really good session, my best 800 session ever I think.
2:29, 2:32, 2:30, 2:33, 2:33, 2:32
Absolutely knackered coming off the last one. Pretty glad Lesley didn't mention strides to follow. Beau brought down a bunch of his running kit from New Balance so I walked away with trackies, a singlet, a top and a jacket so I'm set for falls now.
13.2km all up.
2:29, 2:32, 2:30, 2:33, 2:33, 2:32
Absolutely knackered coming off the last one. Pretty glad Lesley didn't mention strides to follow. Beau brought down a bunch of his running kit from New Balance so I walked away with trackies, a singlet, a top and a jacket so I'm set for falls now.
13.2km all up.
Tuesday, 13 December 2016
Solo caulfied
I had work all day so had to run alone in the evening. Got up to the racecourse to I could run barefoot. Really humid so lost the shirt two laps and and ditched the shoes for the last 5 km. Really nice run feeling great.
12km in 53:41 (4:28s). Finished with 5 strides, not as fast as last week and nearly took out a dog on the last one.
12km in 53:41 (4:28s). Finished with 5 strides, not as fast as last week and nearly took out a dog on the last one.
4 x 200, 4 x 200
So much speedwork these days. I don't remember doing anything like this last year.
4 x 200m with 30 seconds of standing recovery, 5 minutes break, then the same set repeated. In some ways, the small recovery is good because it doesn't give you anytime to think about what's to come. There just time to slow up, turn around and walk back to the start line before setting off again. But the 5 minutes between ruins that making you overthink every detail.
I had never done this before so I was a bit uncertain how fast to go.
29.3, 29.5, 29.8, 29.2
27.6, 29,1, 30.9, 30.8
Went way too quick off the start of the second set and didn't feel it. But it caught up with me very fast in the final two. So so tough, but not for very long considering both sets were over in 3:30. 10km all up.
Sunday, 11 December 2016
Shield Rd 8
1500m schedule on Saturday. I was put in the 3rd heat which was annoying as I was pretty keen to race Jasper, Liam and JB who were put in the heat above. Didn't really put much thought into the race, but made sure I didn't lead too early. Went through the first lap in about 70 on the outside of lane one almost all the way around. Tucked myself into the rail along the back straight until 500 before seeing the pace was dropping here so went to the lead 650m in and pushed on.
Didn't know what was going on behind me but I think I gapped the field by a few metres here. Kept the pace strong through to 1 lap to go and just went for it. Gave it everything, but one guy reeled me in and went by with 200 to go. Really hurting here and didn't want to be overtaken again after leading.
Ended up running 4:20.83 so I'll cop a 4 second PB any day of the week. Wished that I was in the second heat instead of the first because I genuinely reckon I could've hung with the others if I didn't have to lead.
Great race though and looking forward to the Vic milers 1500 coming up just before Christmas.
Did a 3km threshold to follow by myself but couldn't get going at all. Real heavy legs from the 1500 so called it at 3 and did a cooldown. 10.4km all up.
Ferny creek the next day was okay, but legs were still sore from the day before. 19.3km in 1:34:07. Strength that afternoon wasn't too bad, but made myself work hard during the core section. 80km for the week.
Didn't know what was going on behind me but I think I gapped the field by a few metres here. Kept the pace strong through to 1 lap to go and just went for it. Gave it everything, but one guy reeled me in and went by with 200 to go. Really hurting here and didn't want to be overtaken again after leading.
Ended up running 4:20.83 so I'll cop a 4 second PB any day of the week. Wished that I was in the second heat instead of the first because I genuinely reckon I could've hung with the others if I didn't have to lead.
Great race though and looking forward to the Vic milers 1500 coming up just before Christmas.
Did a 3km threshold to follow by myself but couldn't get going at all. Real heavy legs from the 1500 so called it at 3 and did a cooldown. 10.4km all up.
Ferny creek the next day was okay, but legs were still sore from the day before. 19.3km in 1:34:07. Strength that afternoon wasn't too bad, but made myself work hard during the core section. 80km for the week.
Saturday, 10 December 2016
Just an easy 5km by myself in 22;58. Felt okay after no strength the night before like normal.
Thursday, 8 December 2016
Got to the track early for the event of the year. Easy 11.8km with Jasper before getting back to the car quick as the rain came down. Got some warm stuff on thinking how I glad I was that I wasn't racing and watched Anna in her 1500, Sammy in the 3000 and Cass in the 10000. All ran great despite the miserable weather. Lots of wind and rain so not conducive to good times at all.
Pat Tiernan took out the mens 10000. The NCAA champ looked strong the whole way through with Robinson dropping off with about a mile left.
Pat Tiernan took out the mens 10000. The NCAA champ looked strong the whole way through with Robinson dropping off with about a mile left.
6 x 300
Another middle dist session that Lesley came up with yesterday. Absolutely brutal, like they hurt unlike anything else. You can feel the lactic flowing through your legs after each rep.
Anyway, chucked the spikes on after feeling slow in flats the other week. We started at the normal start, finished at the 300 and walked and jogged back to the start. A generous 3 minutes recovery made sure each rep was quick.
Started feeling it after 3, and it got really tough really quick. Had a headache on the fifth and struggled getting out for jog after the 6th.
44.2, 43.0, 43,0, 43.7, 44.4, 44.1
Lay on the track for a bit afterwards feeling sorry for myself, then got up and tried to throw up, didn't work.
Lay around for a bit longer. Tried to get up and jog and that didn't work. Felt a bit more sorry for myself before Jasp prompted a cool down and suddenly the lactic went away and everything looked up. 9km all up.
Anyway, chucked the spikes on after feeling slow in flats the other week. We started at the normal start, finished at the 300 and walked and jogged back to the start. A generous 3 minutes recovery made sure each rep was quick.
Started feeling it after 3, and it got really tough really quick. Had a headache on the fifth and struggled getting out for jog after the 6th.
44.2, 43.0, 43,0, 43.7, 44.4, 44.1
Lay on the track for a bit afterwards feeling sorry for myself, then got up and tried to throw up, didn't work.
Lay around for a bit longer. Tried to get up and jog and that didn't work. Felt a bit more sorry for myself before Jasp prompted a cool down and suddenly the lactic went away and everything looked up. 9km all up.
Tuesday, 6 December 2016
Around the racecourse with Sammy and Jasper yesterday arvo. 12km in 54:27 (4:32s). Went barefoot the last 5k and felt awesome. Easier to stretch out with no shoes I reckon, looking forward to doing that more often on the grass.
Monday, 5 December 2016
Not to plan
Rough bout of hayfever last night so ended up training pretty poorly and cutting it short. Good and bad days I guess. Jasper reckons to get on the antihistamines he uses so I might give that a go.
6 x 600m with 400m jog recovery between.
1:50, 1:54, 1:54, 1:55, 1:49, 2:00
Gahd felt like I was drowning on that last one. Didn't do the extra 100 on, 100 off as I was pretty spent. 12.4km all up.
6 x 600m with 400m jog recovery between.
1:50, 1:54, 1:54, 1:55, 1:49, 2:00
Gahd felt like I was drowning on that last one. Didn't do the extra 100 on, 100 off as I was pretty spent. 12.4km all up.
Saturday, 3 December 2016
Long run
Ate so damn much last night but needed to work it off. Long run at ferny creek, others were tapering and stuff so ended up running with James Alexander which was pretty cool. Didn't do the normal loop due to doubling back to catch the others, but ended up with 19.9km in 1:36:54. 80.6km for the week. Not as much due to those shorter sessions on the track.
CBF Shield
Hills this morning as really couldn't face another Shield 5000m. I would've done the 3k with Jasp but apparently I'm too old.
Trained okay, again pretty tired from another big work day Friday, but much better than last week which was nice.
1:11, 1:10, 1:10, 1:09, 1:11, 1:12, 1:11, 1:10
22:56 and 12.1km all up.
Trained okay, again pretty tired from another big work day Friday, but much better than last week which was nice.
1:11, 1:10, 1:10, 1:09, 1:11, 1:12, 1:11, 1:10
22:56 and 12.1km all up.
Thursday, 1 December 2016
Wednesday night was 10 x 200m on, 200 jog. Forgot my training spikes so went just went with my flats and felt really weird with no spikes on the track. Okay session, keen to keep up the longer sessions though as it'll be rough doing 6 1ks at falls if we don't do some outside work too.
200s were all 29 and 30 except for the last which was 31.
Last night ran with Sam doing an easy run, but ended up feeling amazing so pushed the pace along with Sammy doing the same until we were running 4 minute ks for the last few. Felt so strong, 11.2 at 4:18 average. Way faster than a normal Thursday. 5, 60m strides to finish followed by the strength session. Really tough once again and woke up this morning with very sore glutes.
Just 5km this morning at 4:38s before work. Pretty tired and sore now, hills tomorrow. I'm keen to get to bed early tonight.
200s were all 29 and 30 except for the last which was 31.
Last night ran with Sam doing an easy run, but ended up feeling amazing so pushed the pace along with Sammy doing the same until we were running 4 minute ks for the last few. Felt so strong, 11.2 at 4:18 average. Way faster than a normal Thursday. 5, 60m strides to finish followed by the strength session. Really tough once again and woke up this morning with very sore glutes.
Just 5km this morning at 4:38s before work. Pretty tired and sore now, hills tomorrow. I'm keen to get to bed early tonight.
Monday, 28 November 2016
Mid distance stuff
Not a usual LG session last night on the track. Not much rep and lots of recovery which meant a lot of lactic and it was so tough.
5 x 400m with 3 mins passive recovery. Ended up jogging a bit between reps trying to loosen up and get the lactic out before the next. The last two were unbelievably hard. The recovery doesn't help, giving you ages to think about the pain. Trained with Jasper the whole way through. We gotta learn to rotate the lead better, we both reckon we could've taken a second off some of them had we switched up who was leading.
I led the last one but Jasper was out the front the first four. It pretty much ended up whoever sat in felt better in the last 100m. At the end I lay on the track for a bit, Jasper tried to stand and almost passed out that was pretty classic. Sammy looked like he was on deaths door and young Liam, who smashed it, looked like he could've done 10. Everyone was complaining about headaches including myself, but the cooldown had most feeling better.
60, 60, 60, 61, 63
A bit annoyed with the last one, but Lesley said that was meant to happen. 9.2km all up.
Out this morning before work for an easy run. 12km at 4:41s. Legs were heavy after last night but got around okay. 3 strides to finish off. On my feet all day, knackered now, everything is sore.
5 x 400m with 3 mins passive recovery. Ended up jogging a bit between reps trying to loosen up and get the lactic out before the next. The last two were unbelievably hard. The recovery doesn't help, giving you ages to think about the pain. Trained with Jasper the whole way through. We gotta learn to rotate the lead better, we both reckon we could've taken a second off some of them had we switched up who was leading.
I led the last one but Jasper was out the front the first four. It pretty much ended up whoever sat in felt better in the last 100m. At the end I lay on the track for a bit, Jasper tried to stand and almost passed out that was pretty classic. Sammy looked like he was on deaths door and young Liam, who smashed it, looked like he could've done 10. Everyone was complaining about headaches including myself, but the cooldown had most feeling better.
60, 60, 60, 61, 63
A bit annoyed with the last one, but Lesley said that was meant to happen. 9.2km all up.
Out this morning before work for an easy run. 12km at 4:41s. Legs were heavy after last night but got around okay. 3 strides to finish off. On my feet all day, knackered now, everything is sore.
Back at Ferny creek yesterday for the normal long run. 19.3km in 1:32:36, good run. Ran with Sam just ahead and JB and Will just behind. Everyone normally does their own thing at Ferny, sometimes I rate the serenity.
86.2km for the week. Did some core in the afternoon as I couldn't get to strength. Had to choose majors and minors, let's hope they work out.
Saturday, 26 November 2016
Hills ft Trev
Struggled to get myself out of bed Saturday morning, knackered after a long day Friday. Hills were really tough, felt good about halfway through but it caught up to me quick.
1:11, 1:11, 1:12, 1:10, 1:11, 1:12, 1:14, 1:16
23:20 all up. Chilled out for the rest of the day except for more work in the evening. Bought myself a PS4 as well so I'll get the sessions going on MWR.
1:11, 1:11, 1:12, 1:10, 1:11, 1:12, 1:14, 1:16
23:20 all up. Chilled out for the rest of the day except for more work in the evening. Bought myself a PS4 as well so I'll get the sessions going on MWR.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Double shift today, squeezed in a run at lunchtime. Just 4.8km at 4:42s plus 3 quick strides. Felt great running on grass. Hills tomorrow.
Thursday beats
11.2km easy with Jasper, Will and JB in 51:48 (4:38s). Felt rough as at the start, still knackered from last night, but halfway in I was fine. No strides but got the music going at strength. Really tough session, hungry and tired by the end. Cycled home solo wishing I brought an extra coat, busy day tomorrow.
Wednesday, 23 November 2016
6 x 800
Rocked up to training last night, but no core again so did my own thing before the warm up. Felt good on the strides but decided to take it out easy as it would be a rough session to blow up on. 400m jog recovery between reps.
Trained with Jasper alternating the lead into the slight headwind on the last 200m of each rep. We were on the outside loop, not on the track so everything is a touch slower there. Managed to summon up a good last rep, not often you see that from my build. Kicked at 400m to go and just held on, the last bit really hurt.
2:35, 2:32, 2:33, 2:35, 2:35, 2:28
Then onto the track for 6 x 100 on, 100 off. Nobody really knew how many to do as Lesley wasn't particularly clear in divulging the session, so 6 reps seemed fair enough to me. Got around alright although everything was really sore after a lot of hard work.
Jogged a cool down with Sam for 15.6km all up. Haven't done a massive session like that in so long so pretty tired right now. Strength tonight should be hard as I've had to ditch it the past two weeks because of the races.
Great run at Caulfield on Tuesday night with Jasper, Declan and young Beau. Looking forward to going barefoot again once the weather brightens up permanently. 12km at 4:36 pace. Stepped it up in the last few km.
Monday, 21 November 2016
Weird weather today, hottest its been for a long time, but a thunderstorm was said to be rolling in the late arvo. Finished the warm up and did the strides before the edge of the storm came in and the wind picked right up. Sand was going everywhere, so we waited for it to settle down before we set off. 10 x 200m with 200 jog, but it got changed from 6 x 300, so everyone was fairly confused.
Trained with Jasper for most of the way round. Didn't train great, but not too worried. Didn't bring my spikes either, I thought it was going to be on the outside so I was slipping a bit on the bends when the rain came in. Just gotta get used to the kms again.
31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 32 (on my own for that one), 31, 31, 31, 30
11.2km all up.
Saturday, 19 November 2016
Pretty warm at hills yesterday morning, but legs still feeling heavy and sore from Thursday. Once I got running tightness wore off but definitely still lethargic. Looking forward to getting everyone back training together. After a few weeks of racing everyone has been all over the place. Pretty much ran with Jasper the whole way, until he escaped me on the 6th. On the 7th I was struggling badly but brought it home okay.
Pretty keen start.
1:08, 1:08, 1:09, 1:10, 1:11, 1:10, 1:14, 1:11
22:42 for the whole thing and 12.1km all up. Good run.
Ended up feeling exhausted this morning after a busy shift at work Saturday night, so decided to have an easier day at Ferny to hopefully inspire the legs a touch. Just 16.5km in 1:23:04, felt good on the final hill so pushed a bit up there, but for the majority I tried to ease off the pace.
Looking forward to start training again after all this taper.
Pretty keen start.
1:08, 1:08, 1:09, 1:10, 1:11, 1:10, 1:14, 1:11
22:42 for the whole thing and 12.1km all up. Good run.
Ended up feeling exhausted this morning after a busy shift at work Saturday night, so decided to have an easier day at Ferny to hopefully inspire the legs a touch. Just 16.5km in 1:23:04, felt good on the final hill so pushed a bit up there, but for the majority I tried to ease off the pace.
Looking forward to start training again after all this taper.
Friday, 18 November 2016
Along the canal
Met up with Sammy Friday morning with extremely heavy legs for an easy run. Ended up being a touch fast but all good. 10km in 45:02, legs were real heavy and the calves were especially tight. Blister on the bottom of my foot to top it off, not used to 5km in new spikes. Nice little loop along the Brighton canal and down by the beach.
Vic Champs 5000m D race
6km easy with the guys who were racing on Wednesday night plus some strides as the run the day before the race. Wasn't stressing about this one, just decided to see how it went. Only goal was to not lead so hung in the middle of the pack off the start going through the first lap in about 76.
After 600m or so, a lead group broke off the front running a fair bit faster than their predicted pace and a few went with them. I stuck in the second group running consistent 80s laps for the first 2km feeling great. At 6 laps in, I told myself if I was still feeling good at 3k I'd go to the front of the pack and see if I could pick it up a bit. Ended up doing just that running wide on the home stretch to take the lead of the second pack on the bend. Here, we started to catch some of those who fell off the front, not begin able to keep with the leaders.
Overtaking felt great, but a bloke from my group moved past me with about 3 to go and got 5 metres on me. Continued to push really hurting now holding the gap of about 5 metres. 2 laps to go and I had moved ahead of my group, but couldn't reel in any ahead. Hit the last bell and gave the last lap everything and ran about 76, absolutely knackered across the line and ended up with 16:42, a new PB so I'm over the moon. Here's the results, I'll post the video they recorded a bit later.

Jogged a lap of the lake with Sammy to round off a great night. JB and Sam both went sub 16 in 15:54 and 15:30 (ish?) respectively in the C and B races while Will just about held on for 16:32 just coming off injury. Fantastic race, looking forward to next year already.
After 600m or so, a lead group broke off the front running a fair bit faster than their predicted pace and a few went with them. I stuck in the second group running consistent 80s laps for the first 2km feeling great. At 6 laps in, I told myself if I was still feeling good at 3k I'd go to the front of the pack and see if I could pick it up a bit. Ended up doing just that running wide on the home stretch to take the lead of the second pack on the bend. Here, we started to catch some of those who fell off the front, not begin able to keep with the leaders.
Overtaking felt great, but a bloke from my group moved past me with about 3 to go and got 5 metres on me. Continued to push really hurting now holding the gap of about 5 metres. 2 laps to go and I had moved ahead of my group, but couldn't reel in any ahead. Hit the last bell and gave the last lap everything and ran about 76, absolutely knackered across the line and ended up with 16:42, a new PB so I'm over the moon. Here's the results, I'll post the video they recorded a bit later.

Jogged a lap of the lake with Sammy to round off a great night. JB and Sam both went sub 16 in 15:54 and 15:30 (ish?) respectively in the C and B races while Will just about held on for 16:32 just coming off injury. Fantastic race, looking forward to next year already.
Tuesday, 15 November 2016
Less than usual again
9.6km at 4:21 pace with Sam and Jasp. Really good run felt fantastic and finished off with 3 quick strides. I'm sick of doing less than normal now, looking forward to being back training properly, but I'm also looking forward to this race.
Monday, 14 November 2016
More taper
Rocked up to training last night and was told it was 6 x 200m w/ 200m jog recovery for those racing on Thursday night. Trained with JB and Sam, but felt like my legs were hollow. Times ended up being okay:
30, 30, 29, 29, 30, 30
Just about to go for an easy run now at Caulfield. 9.6km all up for last night.
Saturday, 12 November 2016
Ferny creek once again, I did the full loop this time with most of the others taking the trail up to Grants. Sammy looped around the join me coming into Grants and then we finished the run together although his build escaped me up some of the hills. 19.3km in 1:34:00, great run, the trees did make some decent shelter from the rain.
Tired hills
Shift went until much later than expected Friday night so pretty tired waking up Saturday morning. Ended up running okay, although after Thursday, self-confidence was at an all time low.
Times went: 1:09, 1:13, 1:10, 1:11, 1:11, 1:12, 1:12, 1:12
22:48 overall, really tough like normal. Cooled down with Declan for 12.1km all together.
Thursday, 10 November 2016
Longer Friday
8km this morning in 36:00 feeling sore and fatigued. It's Shield Rd 5 tomorrow, but I'll get down to hills instead I reckon. Enough racing for the week. Last exam for the year this arvo, so stoked to be nearly done.
Vic Milers 3000m D race
A literal nervous wreck all day for this one. Warmed up with Liam for a couple of km, then chucked the spikes on and did some strides, feeling good.
I was put right on the outside of the starting line so I was keen to get out fast to get myself in the inside lane. Turns out everyone else had the opposite idea so I ended up right at the front, the very last thing I expected. I was so surprised, I led pretty much the whole first km and we went through in 3:04. Then people started to move by and I hung in there, a touch unsure as to how I was feeling.
When the second km came I knew I was hurting, I think I went through in about 6:10. From then on just absolutely died in the ass. Ended up running 9:42 and coming last. Really disappointing, not sure what went wrong. I think I put wayyy too much pressure on myself, like I've been totally absorbed in running well the entire week, so I think I'm just going to chill out and stop stressing out, relaxing and then I think the good runs will come. Just gotta chill out and enjoy running fast.
Great night all round, definitely will run again next year. Hung around for the A race and the winner ran an insane 8:00. Cooled down with a lap of Albert Park in the dark with the boys.
Really looking forward to next Thursday for the 5000. Just gonna relax and see how it goes.
Wednesday, 9 November 2016
Monday, 7 November 2016
Caulfied canter
Myself, Declan, Chris H and Sam around caulfield this morning. 7km in 4:40s or so, good run and a good catch up with Chris. 3 strides to follow, pretty speedy. Just want Thursday to be here now, although my race doesn't start until 9pm!
Sunday, 6 November 2016
Taper session
Blowing a genuine gale this morning as I got out for a short session. Can't make training tonight due to a poorly timed exam at 6. Warmed up and did some strides before getting into 8 laps of 100 on, 100 off.
The wind was insane along the back straight, then right behind me on the home stretch so each fast effort felt either way too hard or way too easy. Didn't find any rhythm and hopped off the track with my singlet pretty blown off my body and my eyes streaming with water so not a comfortable taper session by any means. Got it done though so that's what matters, jogged home for 9.3km all up.
Saturday, 5 November 2016
Short long run
15km around the hills of ferny creek averaging about 5 minute ks which is solid going around ferny I've reckon. Took the potato patch hill real easy with JB, but got going a bit on the final climb. Finished off with a couple of strides with Mahoney to loosen up. 81km for the week, 4 in a row at over 80 per week now, but with these race in the near future, I won't get the mileage that high for a bit.
Congrats to Will who pumped out a huge 9:03 3000m at all schools this morning what a run. Really looking forward to Thursday although I struggle with this tapering stuff.
Congrats to Will who pumped out a huge 9:03 3000m at all schools this morning what a run. Really looking forward to Thursday although I struggle with this tapering stuff.
Friday, 4 November 2016
Trev's hills minus Trev
Last really tough session before Thursday's race. Not sure why Trev wasn't there this morning although he did let us know beforehand. The normal hill wasn't flooded this morning so we were back at the regular spot. Haven't done this session in months though because of the 4 weeks of racing in a row on Saturday arvos.
Ended up training really well after a slow start. Second fastest time ever around the course so definitely a confidence booster.
1:12, 1:10, 1:09, 1:08, 1:10, 1:10, 1:10, 1:10
22.20 for the whole thing. Really happy with that, good reps too especially in that middle section I was feeling great. Absolutely knackered afterwards. Cooled down with Stace for 12.1k all up.
Ended up training really well after a slow start. Second fastest time ever around the course so definitely a confidence booster.
1:12, 1:10, 1:09, 1:08, 1:10, 1:10, 1:10, 1:10
22.20 for the whole thing. Really happy with that, good reps too especially in that middle section I was feeling great. Absolutely knackered afterwards. Cooled down with Stace for 12.1k all up.
Thursday, 3 November 2016
Huge feed
11.2km with JB and Sam last night at 4:45 pace. 5 quick strides to follow and then the new set at strength. A tough calf raise test at the start had everyone pretty sore on top of the track session the night before. Lunges, squats, jump and lands, side planks and 1 legged bridges were all involved.
Ran early this afternoon around the local footy oval on the grass. Just 4.8km at 4:40 pace. Good stretch to follow. Just ate a massive lunch including a whole loaf of turkish bread and a bowl of chilli. Damn good I can barely move.
Ran early this afternoon around the local footy oval on the grass. Just 4.8km at 4:40 pace. Good stretch to follow. Just ate a massive lunch including a whole loaf of turkish bread and a bowl of chilli. Damn good I can barely move.
Wednesday, 2 November 2016
6 x 400, 4 x 200
Nice weather yesterday for training, I don't think I could've handled another windy day. Chucked the spikes on before waiting around while everyone else got ready. 6 x 400, 4 x 200 with 200 jog recovery after each rep was the session.
Trained well, although lost focus on the fifth rep I reckon and slowed up a touch which didn't make it look amazing. Managed to close the last 200 really well, unsure how I did that. Beau escaped on the recoveries, but managed to reel him back in during the 400s.
68, 66, 68, 66, 70 (godd), 68
31, 30, 30, 28!!
A new guy was training with us tonight and was strong in the 4s but struggled on the 2s, taking the inside of the shortest lane meaning I was running wide on the bend. Reckon those middle two would've been 29 if I had a clear run. Ah well, good session, good race practice.
Quickest cooldown I've done in a long time with Sammy for 12.2km all up. New set tonight at strength hope it's not too tough.
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Melbourne Cup
Up at the wrong racecourse tonight with Sam and Jasper after watching the Melbourne cup, apparently some guy turned $10 into $240,000 by picking the first 4.
Good run just taking it real easy, didn't feel like 50 minutes. 11.1km at 4:40 pace. 5 strides afterwards were good, really feel like my speed is coming along nicely.
Good run just taking it real easy, didn't feel like 50 minutes. 11.1km at 4:40 pace. 5 strides afterwards were good, really feel like my speed is coming along nicely.
Monday, 31 October 2016
6 x 3 mins + more
Felt okay last night, but nothing special after a big few weeks. Looking forward to tapering down for the race next week. Trained with Will doing 6 x 3 mins with 1 minute jog in between.
Felt really strong on the first 4 reps running really well, but then last week caught up with me and I was hurting on the fifth. Told myself to toughen up and came home strong on the 6th which was good to see. Ended getting through 6.2km in 23 mins which wasn't too bad.
Then onto the track for 6 x 100m on 100m off with JB and Sam. Toilet troubles here but managed to get through it albeit feeling sorry for myself, the hard sections ended up being fast so all good.
3.6 cool down for 14.6km all up. Thank god it wasn't distance monas for a third Monday in a row.
So the races coming up are the Vic Milers 3000m next Thursday and Vic Champs 5000m exactly one week later. Looking forward to racing in the new spikes and hopefully running some PBs.
Sunday, 30 October 2016
Real humid yesterday morning at Ferny creek, but I felt way looser which I was thankful for. Pretty quick through Potato patch making up a lot of time after a slow start. Ditched the shirt as it was sticking to me like a wetsuit. Finished with the extra loop, not pushing the last steep little hill as I was pretty sore here. 1:32:53 for the 19.3.
86.2km for the week, my biggest ever. I'll try not to go too overboard coming up to some big races less than 2 weeks away now, but consistency is nice. Organising Falls creek at the moment, looking forward to it more and more.
Strength was good as, although I didn't rate the pushups.
86.2km for the week, my biggest ever. I'll try not to go too overboard coming up to some big races less than 2 weeks away now, but consistency is nice. Organising Falls creek at the moment, looking forward to it more and more.
Strength was good as, although I didn't rate the pushups.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Saturday solo
Couldn't do the 1500m this afternoon because of work and decided against hills as I'm sure I'll do that session next week, so headed down the DMAC for a session that I made up.
First part was a 5km threshold. Warmed up, couple of quick strides then got it done. Felt really strong and relaxed throughout, although the tight calves are bothering me now. Ended up running 18:48. Just did laps of the outside loop, doing that hill 4 times was a pain. Really happy with how strong I felt.
Then moved onto 5 x 1 min hard, 1 min easy. 3rd one was a bit casual but other than that, all good. recoveries were a bit slow though which was disappointing. I was going to do 300s on the track but little aths was on so I didn't want to get in the way.
Cooled down pretty knackered for 12.8km all together.
First part was a 5km threshold. Warmed up, couple of quick strides then got it done. Felt really strong and relaxed throughout, although the tight calves are bothering me now. Ended up running 18:48. Just did laps of the outside loop, doing that hill 4 times was a pain. Really happy with how strong I felt.
Then moved onto 5 x 1 min hard, 1 min easy. 3rd one was a bit casual but other than that, all good. recoveries were a bit slow though which was disappointing. I was going to do 300s on the track but little aths was on so I didn't want to get in the way.
Cooled down pretty knackered for 12.8km all together.
Thursday, 27 October 2016
Sore friday
Calves are still really tight from Wednesday's session in spikes. Just 4.8km on grass at 4:40 pace this morning. Nice and easy, need to stretch right off this afternoon.
Broken easy
Went into work to collect my wages for last week and my boss had pre-made me a chai latte. I don't even drink lattes so no idea where he got that from. Felt rude turning it down, and didn't think about the consequences until half an hour later when I started the Thursday easy run with the boys.
After too many bathroom breaks, I eventually got myself through 11.3km at 4:45 pace. Strength was okay, but not as hard as last. Didn't go too hard on the single leg to double leg long jumps as I was worried about my stomach attempting to exit my body.
After too many bathroom breaks, I eventually got myself through 11.3km at 4:45 pace. Strength was okay, but not as hard as last. Didn't go too hard on the single leg to double leg long jumps as I was worried about my stomach attempting to exit my body.
Wednesday, 26 October 2016
Got pretty pumped for this one as Lesley gave us the session on Monday night. Nice night, although a touch windy on the home straight. Got the old spikes out as well as I don't want to wreck the new ones in training.
All the reps had a 200m jog recovery to accompany them. I should've jumped on the guys going with a faster recovery, but I'll make sure that I'm right there next Wednesday. Some of the lead group ditched the 4th 400 and walked across just to make sure they were at the front during the 2s which was a touch irritating, so I wouldn't have thought I'll be resorting to that.
4 x 400 - 66, 65, 65, 65 (reeled in the guys running too fast in the easy sections here which was a damn good feeling)
4 x 200 - 30, 29, 29, 30 (wanted to hit 29 on that last one, but I was knackered by this point)
400 - 67 (really felt the headwind here along the home stretch, but stoked that I managed that time)
Absolutely finished after this. That last 4 is so hard after the shorter stuff, you wonder how you'll get through double the distance. Cooled down with Will for 11.6km all up.
All the reps had a 200m jog recovery to accompany them. I should've jumped on the guys going with a faster recovery, but I'll make sure that I'm right there next Wednesday. Some of the lead group ditched the 4th 400 and walked across just to make sure they were at the front during the 2s which was a touch irritating, so I wouldn't have thought I'll be resorting to that.
4 x 400 - 66, 65, 65, 65 (reeled in the guys running too fast in the easy sections here which was a damn good feeling)
4 x 200 - 30, 29, 29, 30 (wanted to hit 29 on that last one, but I was knackered by this point)
400 - 67 (really felt the headwind here along the home stretch, but stoked that I managed that time)
Absolutely finished after this. That last 4 is so hard after the shorter stuff, you wonder how you'll get through double the distance. Cooled down with Will for 11.6km all up.
Monday, 24 October 2016
Back at Caulfield!
Met up with Sam this morning at the racecourse for an easy jog, but still had heavy legs from last night's run. Really windy along the back straight so kept with Sam for 2 laps before letting him go, deciding to cruise the final 7km as I was pretty tired.
Got another lap done before ditching the shoes and going barefoot, As soon as I did that everything looked up, managed to find a strong rhythm feeling light without the Mizunos. The 2.3km loop of pristine racecourse grass is pretty perfect. Ended up going 11.8km in 54:35 (4:38s). Finished off with 5 fast strides feeling 10 times better than I did at the start, still without shoes. Easy ride home with the wind behind me.
Got another lap done before ditching the shoes and going barefoot, As soon as I did that everything looked up, managed to find a strong rhythm feeling light without the Mizunos. The 2.3km loop of pristine racecourse grass is pretty perfect. Ended up going 11.8km in 54:35 (4:38s). Finished off with 5 fast strides feeling 10 times better than I did at the start, still without shoes. Easy ride home with the wind behind me.
More monas
Not feeling too hot last night, session was the same as last Monday, distance monas. Caught in no mans land right off the rip and training hard by yourself is always tough so not too surprised. All done on the outside tan loop with the hill falling in the middle of too many of the hard efforts.
600s - 1:51, 1:55
400s - 74, 70, 75, 75
200s - 31, 33, 35, 34
Didn't time the 100s. Session was a bit strange as although I wasn't feeling too bouncy, finished the whole thing 50s faster than last week so pros and cons I guess. Cooled down with Will for 14.8km all up.
600s - 1:51, 1:55
400s - 74, 70, 75, 75
200s - 31, 33, 35, 34
Didn't time the 100s. Session was a bit strange as although I wasn't feeling too bouncy, finished the whole thing 50s faster than last week so pros and cons I guess. Cooled down with Will for 14.8km all up.
Sunday, 23 October 2016
More rain
After the last couple of rainy days, ferny creek was particularly muddy this morning. Felt like we were rolling along nicely, but the mud slowed us right up. Ended up with 1:35:03 for the 19.3km loop so solid going.
Strength this arvo involved a couple of drills leading into strides and I feel like it loosened me up, however hips and hip flexors are really sore. 83km exactly all up for the week.
Strength this arvo involved a couple of drills leading into strides and I feel like it loosened me up, however hips and hip flexors are really sore. 83km exactly all up for the week.
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Improvised hills
Got down to Jells Park yesterday morning for a hill session, but due to 8 hours of straight rain the day before, the recovery loop was completely flooded so we had to find a different hill.
This one was between 550 and 600m long, on asphalt and not as steep. Started to pour down about 2 reps in and the path up the hill became the river bed for the Yarra number 2. Genuinely spent more time navigating the oncoming current than pushing myself, but somehow got it done. Planned on only doing 6, but finished and felt like I could do more, so shot off for one more rep and glad I did.
Somehow my shoelace came undone 3 times during the session which was mildly infuriating and which numb fingers due to the downpour, tying them back up was way too difficult.
1:54, 1:55, 1:57, 1:57, 1:59, 1:58, 1:56
Okay session, not really able to tell how I went but it seemed more threshold based as the conditions made it hard to run fast. Reckon it would be great workout if the rain held off. Weather stayed sour all day so went to Runners World to get some new spikes as mine are in a sorry state. I think they're a few years old but I rate the retro spikes. Got them really cheap for that reason too as the 2016 equivalent were $200! For real though, all spikes these days are a bit of paper strapped to a plastic sole, sick joke.
Thursday, 20 October 2016
Woke up early planning to go for a ride, but the wind was insane and it's always worse down beach road. So basically I wussed out, but got out for a real easy run instead. 3.5km in 17 mins so very cruisy.
4 x 60m strides to follow and got swooped by a magpie on the first one. I had no idea what was going on that magpie pulled that surprise attack like he'd done it before. Kept eyes on him while a finished off the strides. Tight calves now, need another stretch.
Still feeling the track session from the night before gahd despite getting down a hefty amount of dark chocolate for the magnesium. 11.2km with JB and Sam in 52:05. Chris Allen jumped in for the first half but then did his own thing before meeting us at strength.
5 x 60m strides afterwards. Felt very slow twitch based, but might've been because they were into the headwind.
Strength afterwards was really tough. 1 leg bridges went up to 12. Had a good stretch afterwards. Can't race on Saturday because I've got work, I reckon I'll do hills instead.
Wednesday, 19 October 2016
4 x 400m, 6 x 200m
Didn't realise it would be as hard as it was. 200m jog between all reps. Hung in there for the 400's but couldn't hold the recovery pace in the 2's.
Times went:
65, 65, 66, 67
30, 30, 30, 30, 29, 29
Not sure how I got through it, but it was way better than last week! Felt like my form is coming back. 12km all up with a slow cool down. looking like a decent squad will be down for tomorows easy and strength.
Times went:
65, 65, 66, 67
30, 30, 30, 30, 29, 29
Not sure how I got through it, but it was way better than last week! Felt like my form is coming back. 12km all up with a slow cool down. looking like a decent squad will be down for tomorows easy and strength.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Monash with JB
Met up with Jack at 11 in our lunch break. Took a bit of a detour and ended up misjudging it slightly. 11.5km in 4:47s, tired after yesterday so I was glad the pace wasn't on today. Finished off with 2 strides. Had some lunch with Jack and Denyan so very cardio based, before heading off to a 3 hour bio lab in which I won a plant.
Plant plus mum

Distance Monas
Knackered last night rocking up to training. I was feeling great at 3 but by the time 5 came around and I was staring down the barrel of a 7.6km session, I just wasn't in the mood.
Warm up was slow and strides had me breathing hard, told myself to just not think about it and just get it done. After a slow start, I got into it and ended up going okay.
2 x 600m, 4 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 4 x 100m with same jog recovery between each except for the 6's which had 400 jog.
Trained with Liam and Beau so good company when things got tough. Really slow start, but gathered momentum. Times went:
1;55, 1;57
71, 70, 74 (uphill), 70
33, 32, 32, 30
Didn't time the 100s, but they were pretty sporty. Struggled up the hill on the cooldown, but pulled my build through 3 laps. 14.8km all together, good start to the week.
Warm up was slow and strides had me breathing hard, told myself to just not think about it and just get it done. After a slow start, I got into it and ended up going okay.
2 x 600m, 4 x 400m, 4 x 200m, 4 x 100m with same jog recovery between each except for the 6's which had 400 jog.
Trained with Liam and Beau so good company when things got tough. Really slow start, but gathered momentum. Times went:
1;55, 1;57
71, 70, 74 (uphill), 70
33, 32, 32, 30
Didn't time the 100s, but they were pretty sporty. Struggled up the hill on the cooldown, but pulled my build through 3 laps. 14.8km all together, good start to the week.
Sunday, 16 October 2016
Duo long run
Just Jasper and myself up at ferny yesterday morning due to the majority of glenhuntly manning the 7km mark drinks station at the Melbourne marathon. Travelled a bit unsure up until the first hill, but from then on felt amazing. Really strong on the flat with the hills feeling flatter than usual, it was like I became fitter overnight! 19.3km in 1:33:05. First time rigs out this season, although the weather deteriorated throughout the day, lucky we ran when we did.
79km for the week. Strength in the afternoon was okay although I was pretty tight. Core wasn't as difficult as usual although those side planks had me wishing for it to finish.
79km for the week. Strength in the afternoon was okay although I was pretty tight. Core wasn't as difficult as usual although those side planks had me wishing for it to finish.
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Shield rd 2 + Threshold
1500m was on the cards early afternoon yesterday. Up at Casey fields and extremely windy. Safe to say one of the windiest conditions I've even run in. Warmed up with the Glenhuntly guys. Myself, Jasper, Sam and Liam were in heat 1. Jogged around 2.5km before putting on spikes and doing strides into the wind. It was so windy that I decided to tuck my singlet in because it was getting blown off during the strides.
Jasper got out hard the first 100m, I pushed through a few people and got myself onto the inside of lane 1. Felt a bit uncomfortable on the first lap but 500m in I felt great. Found myself towards the back so pushed up and got onto Sam's shoulder but then the wind hit down the back straight and I lost all sorts of ground. It was truly unbelievable, I was getting blown all over the track. Running through a genuine wall. Felt strong coming into the last lap and moved up again.
250m to go, straight into the wind and Liam tried to come by, but unfortunately clipped my heels and I stumbled. He got 5 metres on me in less than a second as I lost all momentum. Brought it home as fast as I could although I tightened right up. Need to work on staying relaxed in those final stages.
Ended up running 4:32 so not too shabby considering the conditions. If more things went to plan I really reckon I could've been right up there.
Then switched to flats and did a threshold with the boys on the trails surrounding Casey fields. 4km in 15:03 so 3:46s, pretty happy with that in the wind. I was hurting a bit by the end.
Finished with 3 strides on the track with Sam plus a 4km cool down. 12.5km all up, great workout.
Friday, 14 October 2016
Solo cycle
15km on the bike this morning. Took it easier than normal as I was pretty tired after last nights strength. Looking forward to the race tomorrow.
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Myself, JB, Jasp and Sam around for an easy run tonight. 11.2km in 52 minutes or so. 4 x 60m strides to follow were pretty quick. Strength as well afterwards, managed to do 10 clap push ups in a row. Not sure where that came from. Nice stretch off afterwards, didn't realise how tight I was.
Wednesday, 12 October 2016
Training tonight started off feeling really sore in the quads and hammies but loosened up after the warm up. Session was 4 x 400m with 90s jog and 4 x 200m with 200 jog.
Everyone was confused by the 90s joy recovery as we were in lane 3 on the track so no one knew where to start and finish. At one point everyone turned around which made things even worse. I got frustrated that the session wasn't clear so just got it done. Wasn't in a great head space but there you go.
Times went:
69, 69, 67, 68
33, 30, 32, 29
Felt the fitness lacking on the 2s. Looking forward to getting it back. 11.2km all up. Went out tonight but didn't want to drink so stayed on the mock tails and social waters.
Tuesday, 11 October 2016
To and from DMAC
Just ran to DMAC, 4 laps then home again for 10.8km all up yesterday morning. Finished with 4 x 60m strides although couldn't stretch out on the road. Got Sammy down to Jasper's for his first shift, should make working a bit easier with another mate around.
Feeling pretty sore at the moment so we'll see how tonight't training goes. Legs aren't used to the kms all of a sudden.
Monday, 10 October 2016
It feels good to be back
First session back! I was pumped all day to come back to training. Melbourne has suffered from a spell of windy days this week and today was no exception. Brutal down the back of DMAC. Acceleration session tonight. Just managed to hang onto Jasper which I was pretty stoked about.
Acceleration session is 200m hard, 200m easy, 200m 5km pace, 200m 3km pace, 200m hard, 200m easy. 5 laps meant 6km all up and we got it done in 22:23. Last 200m hard was into the wind so we rotated the lead. Felt myself tying up in the last few sections and muscles felt a bit weak after a couple of weeks of minimal training.
5 x 80m strides to finish off. Managed to hold it together which I'm stoked about. I'm just happy to be back training hard. 13.6km all up.
Acceleration session is 200m hard, 200m easy, 200m 5km pace, 200m 3km pace, 200m hard, 200m easy. 5 laps meant 6km all up and we got it done in 22:23. Last 200m hard was into the wind so we rotated the lead. Felt myself tying up in the last few sections and muscles felt a bit weak after a couple of weeks of minimal training.
5 x 80m strides to finish off. Managed to hold it together which I'm stoked about. I'm just happy to be back training hard. 13.6km all up.
Saturday, 8 October 2016
Shield Rd 1 plus back at ferny creek
Jumped in the 5000m yesterday feeling much better than I have been. Pretty hot out on the track so got out real slow to make sure everything was in working order. It was, so brought it home strong to end up running 17:23. Hardly a stellar performance, but I'm stoked to see that I could run that after a sketchy few weeks of training while feeling within myself! 11km all up.
Early start this morning and after not enough food the night before felt really average. Battled up the last couple of hills with JB, Stacey and Mahoney. No strength this arvo as I'm wrecked atm! I'll be back for sure next week. 16.5km all up.
Early start this morning and after not enough food the night before felt really average. Battled up the last couple of hills with JB, Stacey and Mahoney. No strength this arvo as I'm wrecked atm! I'll be back for sure next week. 16.5km all up.
Friday, 7 October 2016
So turns out its all just a rough case of hayfever now. So I'm on the antihistamines heavy at the moment, seeing the doctor on Monday so hopefully I get something else to combat it as well. Apparently its the worst hayfever season in Australia for years.
Went for a run Thursday night with JB and Sam. We ended up running fairly solidly at around 4:15s which I was fine with after a week of inactivity. Strength followed, where we received a new set for the next 4 weeks.
Cycled solo yesterday arvo for 15km. Not sure how fast, need to get that computer on my bike fixed up. Track season has started and the first race is this afternoon and we have races for the next 4 weeks. I'm feeling really unfit so I'm going to attempt to race myself back into shape.
Went for a run Thursday night with JB and Sam. We ended up running fairly solidly at around 4:15s which I was fine with after a week of inactivity. Strength followed, where we received a new set for the next 4 weeks.
Cycled solo yesterday arvo for 15km. Not sure how fast, need to get that computer on my bike fixed up. Track season has started and the first race is this afternoon and we have races for the next 4 weeks. I'm feeling really unfit so I'm going to attempt to race myself back into shape.
Saturday, 1 October 2016
11.1km in 52 mins yesterday, but felt like I couldn't breathe again. I was running by myself so I might have been overthinking it as I had no one to talk to. Reckon I'll just keep it really easy until I'm off the antibiotics, then just start from scratch again. Just want to get training properly again.
Thursday, 29 September 2016
Easy, strength and ride
8.2km in 40:22 last night with JB and Jasper. Felt really good. Strength was hard though, can't remember how I got through it after a full week of training.
Late start this morning, but got out for a ride in the sunshine. 15km, not sure what time it was in.
Late start this morning, but got out for a ride in the sunshine. 15km, not sure what time it was in.
Wednesday, 28 September 2016
Back at it
Been on the antibiotics for the last 3 day, but I've been hitting core heavy to make myself feel a bit better. Went for a run last night at training. 6km easy and untimed plus 5 strides. It was amazing how much easier it was to breathe, didn't realise how bad it was.
Looking forward to getting some consistency back! I'll take it easy for the rest of the week and weekend and then start again fully next week, seeing how I feel.
Friday, 23 September 2016
Hills went awfully after my easy week. Been feeling tight on my chest so went to the docs, apparently got a bacterial infection in my airway. Classic, so basically I can't get as much oxygen in as usual so that's the reason for the dodgy sessions for the week or so. Gave me some antibiotics and told me to take it easy for another week. I'm just relieved I know what's wrong with me more than anything.
Thursday, 22 September 2016
Thursday and Friday
Myself, JB and Sam for a Thursday easy run. 10.8km in 52:01 followed by 4 x 60m strides. Strength afterwards, side planks were difficult.
This morning, got on the bike solo for 15km. Nice ride, good weather despite being a touch windy, might try and go a bit faster next week.
This morning, got on the bike solo for 15km. Nice ride, good weather despite being a touch windy, might try and go a bit faster next week.
Wednesday, 21 September 2016
Needed a rest day yesterday so claimed it. Felt awesome tonight first one in 3 weeks. Lesley talked me into doing the session, but taking it easy. The whole session was 10 x 200m with a walk back recovery but I only did 7.
Times were pretty keen unfortunately, but I felt strong the whole time.
31, 31, 30, 30, 29, 29, 27
Last one kicked home. Felt awesome, although abductor a bit tight at the moment. 11km all up, cooled down with Dale discussing his iron man and supplement plans. Pretty interesting, although I doubt I could stomach the number of carb gels required.
Monday, 19 September 2016
Distance Monas tonight. First half was awesome, then the second half I just blew up completely. It was like someone had just switched off a light. I reckon I'm exhausted so I'll take the best few days easy before getting back into it one the weekend. 14km all up.
Saturday, 17 September 2016
Ferny creek
Really muddy this morning after a week of rain. Did the normal loop in 1:34:44 then added a bit to get the weekly kms to 80.1. Knackered now, looking forward to an early night.
Friday, 16 September 2016
Tan relays
Myself, Sam and Daniel Hamilton on the U20 team today. They both carried my build in coming second as a team. I ended up running 13:03, same as two years prior, so understandably very frustrating considering how much I've done recently. Ah well, I just gotta keep enjoying training and stay relaxed. I'm putting too much pressure to run well all the time, need to trust myself and relax in races instead of getting all worked up.
Track season is on its way and I like it more. A different kettle of fish to XC. looking forward to seeing what comes with it.
Thursday, 15 September 2016
Friday run!
Wasn't feeling a bike ride today, jogged up to McKinnon reserve, did a couple of laps before coming home. 2.2km in 10:15. Then 3 quick strides.
More of the rain
Chilly tonight, Sammy and myself went for an easy run. 10.3km in 48:23 (4:42s). Hamstrings are a touch tight from yesterday's speed, although got through 3 X 60m strides just fine. Stretched calves right off afterwards. No strength, keen to feel fresh on Saturday morning.
Wednesday, 14 September 2016
Wet track
Yeah so a pretty aggressive storm is lurking over Australia at the moment so the weather is pretty shifty. Warm up was quicker than normal, but all good. Got the heart pumping and that's what we needed.
Good bit of variety tonight, bit of intensity before the tan relays on Saturday. 800m really quick, followed by 1km jog, then 6 X 200m hard, 200m jog, all on the track.
Really windy. The rain showed how much of a poor state the track is in with some pretty major puddles 250m in. Didn't bring spikes which was silly. Got a slow start but split through in 64. Brought it home strong, but felt within myself the whole time. Ended up with 2:11 so pretty happy, especially with the wind!
Jogged it round, the 200s started and I vowed never to train in flats on a wet track again. Genuinely the most frustrating thing in the world. Real slippy off the bend, ended up going okay, but hoping for better to be honest.
30, 30, 29, 29, 30, 30
Cooled down for 11.2km all up. Really hyped for the tan.
Tuesday, 13 September 2016
Bit of a disaster
Rainy today and it's not meant to stop all week. Got changed at Monash and tried to find GPS on my watch, it was struggling for sure so started off anyway. Looked at my wrist and it had just shut down, luckily I had another in my bag so after a bit of a detour we got underway properly. 11.6km in 52:45 (4:32s), soaked by the end but good run. Couple of small hills every lap. 5 X 12s strides afterwards.
Met up with JB for that double lunch. Damn good.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Same session as last Monday, but an extra 200 on the end. 2 X (800, 600, 400) + 4 X 200m. Pretty quick warm up with Sam and Declan and some strides.
Ran with JB and kept the pace a bit in check at the start. Didn't want to get dropped so told myself just to stick with Jack for as long as I could. Ended up holding on which suprised me, hurting real bad by that second 600.
Jumped in with everyone on the track for the 200s. Pulled out a large kick on the last one and ended up running 28 high. Didn't know I had it in me, felt great coming off the bend and just brought it home. Jog recoveries were pretty casual for the 2's.
2:32, 1:49, 72
2:31, 1:52, 69
30.0, 29.9, 29.6, 28.9
14.6km all up. I'll run easy at Monash tomorrow. I think myself and JB have got a free burrito lined up from a new restaurant on campus. Looking forward to that double lunch effort.
Sunday, 11 September 2016
Myself, Cass and Simon at Ferny this morning. 19.4km in 1:35:49. It's amazing how much you slow down over the hills, last week I averaged 4:30s along the beach and didn't feel it at all. This week 4:50s felt tough, and you're always stinging a bit from the previous hill. Felt really strong to be honest, perfect weather too.
Strength this afternoon with Sam and JB, stretched right off. 79.3km for the week.
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Pretty chilly at hills this morning, although I warmed up pretty fast. Trained with JB for the majority of the session, before he got away from me at the end. Happy with how it went considering last week.
1:08, 1:09, 1:07, 1:07, 1:11, 1:10, 1:11, 1:10
22:54 for the whole thing and 12.1km all up. Tan relays next Saturday should be good. Really keen for a good time for 1 lap.
Managed to get down 12 bix today. Hopefully my performance around the tan is as good as my breakfast consumption next weekend.
Friday, 9 September 2016
Friday ride
Quads pretty sore after strength yesterday. On the bike this morning with Dad. 16km in 30 mins or so. Feeling way looser now which is nice. Hills tomorrow.
Thursday, 8 September 2016
Thursdee easy
10.5km with JB and Sam. Did it in 51 mins but there's suspicion my watch is a bit out for that route as all 3 of us felt like we were running faster than 4:53s. 3 X 60m strides afterwards.
New workout for strength. Tough exercises were bent to straight leg calf raises and side planks. Tired now, hopefully it doesn't rain on the morning ride.
Wednesday, 7 September 2016
Easy, Threshold, Fast
The plan was to do 10 X 400m tonight but Lesley rocked up and reckoned I looked too tired for a session like that. Probably fair enough, I had seriously tight calves and the track wouldn't have help. Instead on the outside with JB.
400m easy, 400m threshold, 400m hard on the outside tan loop. Trained okay, times for the fast 4s were:
71, 71, 70, 69, 71
JB pulled out a huge 4th rep, 67 on the outside with a tight corner in the middle is pretty impressive. 13.2km all up.
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
11.1km in 50:12 (4:32s) tonight with Sam. Amazing weather, summer is finally on the way. Felt a bit twitchy on the strides, couldn't stretch out properly. I'll have a good stretch and roll tonight.
Monday, 5 September 2016
2 X (800, 600, 400) + 3 X 200m
Pretty lonely tonight on the outside. Myself and Dale were the only ones training because of a race yesterday. Training pretty averagely but worked hard so that's all that matters. Nice conditions though.
Times: 2:26, 1:52, 74
2:40, 1:57, 72
Onto the track for the 3 X 200m and found a bit more momentum here.
30, 30, 30
Still got some speed, need some more fitness. 13km all up.
Sunday, 4 September 2016
Long run
Solo yesterday along the beach. Mostly on a sandy track but some bike path as well. 20.1km in 1:30:00, closed it out strongly in about 4:20s. Felt tired at the start but got into it and managed to run into a bin on the way round.
Strength in the arvo, lunge holds and fit ball planks were the stand out difficult exercises.
Friday, 2 September 2016
4km threshold + 5 X 300m
Slept in a bit today before getting out for a run in some fairly windy weather. Jogged up to DMK for a warm up not feeling too incredible.
Did a 4km threshold in 14:49 on the outside. The hill every lap made it harder than it should've been, but happy with that to be honest. Then onto the track for 5 X 300m with 100m jog recovery. Felt so wierd on these like I couldn't breathe properly. Went okay though, not amazingly consistent.
51, 55, 51, 55, 51
Such a big difference between them, not really sure what happened there. Ran home for 13km all up.
We can ride
15km on the bike this arvo, I enjoyed it. Feeling light now, just watched the documentary on Mo Farah, such a good watch, genuinely inspirational. It's called Mo Farah: Race of his life.
Thursday, 1 September 2016
Back at strength
Easy 10.5km in 50 mins with JB and Sam tonight (4:45s). 3 X 60m strides afterwards, hammie was a bit tight. Think the watch was a bit out though, I'll measure it again next week. Thinking about maybe doing a short ride tomorrow as I don't feel myself on a Friday with no cardio. See how I feel. Strength was tough, gotta get used to it again.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
100 on, 100 off
Back at training last night. Everyone's tapering down for a race on Sunday so it was 100 on, 100 off for us tonight. Felt okay, training with a new guy from the states who looked pretty fast so all good. Got around 3.3km in 12:10.
Perfect session coming back. Cooled down with Sammy and the new bloke for 10.5km all up.
Tuesday, 30 August 2016
We're back baby
8.5km in 40 minutes tonight. Felt loads better and lookin forward to training tomorrow.
Sunday, 28 August 2016
Did 6 hills yesterday, start was good but struggled towards the end. Still feeling pretty rough, so no long run today. Bit coughy, I'm so frustrated, just want to get out for some cardio. Hopefully start feeling better soon.
Thursday, 25 August 2016
Haven't run on a Friday in a long time, 11.1km in 50 mins (4:30s). Ran into Tom McFarlane and stopped for a quick chat. Feeling loads better today, hills tomorrow.
Real easy
Took a couple of days off to get over the cold. Felt really rough yesterday, but stoked that it wasn't on my chest. Got out for a real easy job tonight, 5.5km in 25mins. Everything felt fine, I'll run easy again tomorrow.
Tuesday, 23 August 2016
Sick joke
Came down with a really sore throat and stuffy nose last night, but it's not on my chest thank god so I'll probably be back training within a few days. I'll rest up for the time being though until the worst of it is over.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Felt great tonight, probably because of the easier long run yesterday, although it didn't feel easy at the time. Rain at the start but it cleared off quickly. Session was 6 X 600m with 400m jog. Sammy trained just ahead of me which good as I could attempt a chase. On the outside tan track so a few ups and downs.
1:50, 1:50, 1:47, 1:48, 1:44, 1:47
Sam suggested another threshold rep and I felt okay after a bit of a break so I was keen, didn't get a time on it though. Then 4 X 60m strides with Cass, Sam and a cool down with JB. 14.4km all up.
Sunday, 21 August 2016
Not ideal
Massive night last night, Jess and Lyss' 19th, so woke up feeling awful. Watched the 1500m and 5000m and went back to bed.
Got up later, stomach feeling sketchy with a large headache and got down some carbs. Watched the races for a second time before getting out for a run. 18.2km in 1:26:19 (4:44s) not sure how I did that. Felt okay once I got started, but made sure I didn't push too hard.
76.1km for the week. Good stuff from Sammy and Will at nationals this weekend. Great runs from them both coming 15th and 10th in their respective age groups. I'd genuinely kill to be there with them.
Faze up.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Poor turnout
With Sam, Will and Trev in Canberra for cross country nationals, not too many at hills this morning. I trained okay, not my best, not my worst. Ran with JB for the first 6.
Times went: 1:08, 1:09, 1:09, 1:08, 1:10, 1:10, 1:09, 1:08
22:50 for the session. Great runs from the Australian girls in the 5000m, bloody hell. Going out tonight so no Ferny tomorrow, I'll probably run to the beach after watching big races in the morning.
Thursday, 18 August 2016
Nice weath
A touch windy today but real warm which was a nice change. Easy 10.2km (4:53 avg) with JB tonight. Good chat with him, followed by 5 strides and strength afterwards. This months set isn't as hard as last month, but they're going ham on the calf raises.
Wednesday, 17 August 2016
The rumours were true. 10 X 400m on the track with 60s recovery. I was actually really nervous I was keen to train well. Melissa Duncan was at the track coaching a school which was pretty cool. She ran the Australian 1500m Olympic qualifier but couldn't go because of a stretch fracture. We were all too scared to ask for photos.
Myself and Declan on the track with a few behind us. Started hurting at number 4, but somehow kept then consistent. I was hurting so much on the last one, had a lie down on the track afterwards. Running in lane 1 was nice, someone kindly took the barriers down for us.
69, 67, 67, 68, 68, 67, 68, 69, 68, 67
So stoked with that. 11.2km all up.
I love bix.
Monday, 15 August 2016
New path
Ran solo at uni this arvo. 11.2km in 51:52 (4:38s), followed by 3 X 15s strides. Pretty undulating, but the new tan track around the ovals is almost finished so I ran a bit around that. They should make a path around the whole uni, that would be almost 5km. Apparently we've got 400's tomorrow night so getting hyped for that.
Km's again sick joke
Km's again, ha ha very funny. Felt terrible on the warm up and on the strides, thought about just doing an easy run, but JB reckoned I should do it, so I did.
To make things even better it was off only 200m jog, instead of the 400m like last Wednesday. Ha ha. Decided to make sure I felt strong on the first 4, then go for it a bit on the last one. Not sure how I did it, but ran some decent times feeling strong the whole time.
3:14, 3:20, 3:22, 3:23, 3:14
Another 3 quick strides afterwards. Tired now, core is so sore from yesterday and glutes are real tight. 13.2km all up, maybe a massage on the weekend. Real easy tomorrow.
Saturday, 13 August 2016
Long run
Ferny once again this morning. 19.2km with Cass and Sam in 1:36. Nice run, felt lethargic at the start but got into it after the first hill. 79km for the week. Strength this arvo wasn't too bad, but the core section wasn't fun. Mo is a god, what a run.
Friday, 12 August 2016
Eloise you legend
Hills this morning before watching last night's races. What a run by Eloise Wellings, fantastic to see. I wish I could pull that out.
Ran really well this morning actually, felt really good throughout, kept the reps quicker which was great. 22:36 for the session, here are the rep times:
20 minute cool down for 12.1km all up.
Thursday, 11 August 2016
Chunky day
Easy 10.1km in 50 mins tonight with JB. I appreciated the easy pace, knackered after last night. 5 pretty quick strides to top it off, followed by a strength session. It was new set day today, so a touch easier than normal. Nandos for dinner followed by a phat slice of munchie, damn good fuelling.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Classic k's
We had be warned of a large session coming up for tonight, and to be honest, wasn't as big as I thought, but it was so damn tough. Insane headwind throughout the session, a storm rolled through a few hours later, so pretty stoked with how it turned out.
6 X 1km off 400m jog recovery. Bit of a mix though, some were off 200m jog (sick joke), so glad I pulled the long straw. Trained with Liam halloran, he's in some form at the moment.
First 3 went well, but got to the 4th and I was hurting so much. Some guy yelled at us for running which was wierd, he was really mad though like swearing at us during the recovery.
Got through 5 and 6, Liam got away from me on the 6th, but somehow I pulled a kick out with 300 to go and reeled him in. Stoked with the run especially with the wind.
3:15, 3:17, 3:14, 3:17, 3:15, 3:14
Cooled down with Will, Sam, Cass, Stacey and Erika. What the hell has happened to the cool down pace? Genuinely a threshold. Goddd.
Monday, 8 August 2016
Back on the racecourse
Met up with Sam for an easy run, pretty quick at the start, but I slowed down and let him do a threshold section before doing the last few km together.
11.1km in 50:12 (4:32s), I'd probably prefer it to be a touch slower to be honest, but all good. 5 strides afterward felt strong on them.
Change of pace
Normally track is on Wednesday, but apparently a large session is looming so we had a speedy Monday instead. 100 on 100 off on the track, first time doing this on the track in a long time.
Felt strong, actually ended up pretty quick on the fast sections. That's where I made up most of my time I would've thought. Attempted to keep the recoveries strong, but it is always my weak point. 14:41 for just under 4.2km so avg about 3:30s. Feeling the last week in my legs. 11.2km all up.
Here's a pic from Saturday. We came third and no one knew what was going on.
Sunday, 7 August 2016
Too much skipping at strength today. Could feel the leftover stirfry having a go inside me belly. Sammy got car doored on the ride there. So damn rough, he seemed to be going alright, although it could've been the adrenaline. Hopefully he's alright tomorrow.
Saturday, 6 August 2016
Post race Ferny
Planned on cruising the long run today after the race yesterday. 19.3km in 1:35:28, felt really strong. Ran with Cass and Bec but pulled away up the hills.
85.2 for the week, gawd I need a stretch and a roll.
Anglesea Ekiden relays 2016
Anglesea relays today, I pulled the first leg of 9.3kms. Meant to be 8.8 but they had to extend it because of a dangerous section. Should've cancelled the whole race to be honest because it was all pretty lethal.
It was like running up stairs for half of it, before descending through a genuine ravine, half the path didn't even exist. Ran okay I think, time was 34:22. Doesn't look stunning on paper, but the course was insane. Time stacked up okay, but I felt like it was great training more than anything.
Didn't know the course either so didn't really know when I should've pushed and when I should've held back. Ah well I know for next year. 14.5km all up, cooled down with Sammy, Chris and Danny dunstone.
Thursday, 4 August 2016
Better than last Thursday
Jasper and myself tonight for the easy run, 10.3km in 4:53 average. I appreciated the easier pace although I was feeling this week's kms during the following strides.
Strength session was so tough. Like goddd I was struggling on those 1 legged bridges, everyone was cruisy but was I hurting so bad. Glutes are tight, real busy tomorrow, but I'm keen to get a stretch and a major roll in tomorrow before the race. Need some sleep.
Wednesday, 3 August 2016
More base
5 laps of the infamous acceleration session tonight. Last cross country season we did this 5 mondays in a row during one of Lesley's unimaginative streaks. Haven't done that one in a while though. For those who have forgotten, 400 rep, 200m jog, 200m threshold, 200m rep, 200m jog, repeat. The threshold air created some quicker recoveries which I rated to he honest.
4s weren't too impressive but they weren't on the track and were up a hill. Times ranged from 1:14 to 1:16 but the 2s were much quicker so satisfied with them. Threshold section was decent. 22:27 all up.
Apparently it was planned but sounded sketchy to me. 5 X 100m on, 100m off. One of the best bits of the session. Real quick, although definitely a touch long.
Anglesea relays on Saturday, looking forward to it. I think I've pulled the 8.8km leg so a touch nervous, but I'll just train through it. 14.2km all up for tonight. I fckn love running.
Monday, 1 August 2016
Easy Monash
Feeling it this morning after the session this arvo. Got out to uni and went for a run during my lunch break. Found a sporty little 2kn loop with a few ups and down. Grass, asphalt, concrete, tan bark, I enjoyed the surface changes. Got pretty muddy running on a flooded oval, but all good.
11.1km in just over 50 mins (4:36s) followed by 5 X 12s strides. Soggy shoes made the strides harder.
Grr Mondays
I'm Rain on Mondays is becoming tradition, luckily it wasn't as bad as last week. Drove in fearing the worst, and glad I did to be honest as the session was a monster. Nobody had a key to the rooms as JB was sick and Anna has work so we started out in the rain. Came down pretty hard during the warm up, but lightened up once we started strides.
Lesley gave us the bad news, 800m plus distance Monas, so ended up 800m, 2 X 600m, 4 X 400m, 4 X 200m, 4 X 100m with the jog recoveries, on the outside tan loop, not the track.
Times were 2:32, 1:52, 1:57, 1:14, 1:13, 1:12, 1:16 (that sucked). Didn't time the shorter stuff but the big session was rough on the quads. Fast cool down with Sam and Will had me knackered, 16km all up.
Saturday, 30 July 2016
Amazing weather for the strength session today after Ferny. Got me feeling good although the planks were still tough.
Ferny creek
Long run with Will and Sam this morning after driving Will up. A lot faster than normal, but I felt really strong. 19.2km in 1:31:28. 75.8km for the week.
The buzz
Hills yesterday morning. Perfect weather for it, rocked up feeling good after Friday's rest day. Ran solidly, pretty happy with the session. Nice chat with the guys on the cool down and at the ending point.
Times: 1:10, 1:09, 1:09, 1:09, 1:11, 1:13, 1:13, 1:11
All up time was 22:50, not too shabby, looking for some faster reps in weeks to come. 12.1km all up.
Thursday, 28 July 2016
That was weird as
Ran with Jasper tonight at DMK and surrounding parks. Got to 10km, told him I was gonna do a bit extra, but all of a sudden felt like I was going to be sick. Stopped 200m and just got a hot flush like I was gonna munt, but took a few deep breaths, walked back to the rooms and was fine. Real wierd.
Following that was another hard strength session with Anna. 45s 1 legged bridge holds tonight. 10.2km all up. Pissed that I missed out on that extra km for nothing.
Wednesday, 27 July 2016
400's again
Feeling great last night as I rocked up to training, although the watch is playing up quite a bit which I'm worried about. Won't let me charge it or unlock it so I might have to take it into the shop.
Session was 10 X 400m on the track again. I was training with Jasper and Liam, Sam and Will were ahead. Started off slower than usual which was nice, but I was a bit keen leading the second. Jasper dropped off a touch in the middle few but came back for the last couple. I think I've just got to work on my finish, although it was way quicker than last week.
Times went: 70, 67, 68, 68, 69, 69, 69, 70, 69, 66
3 laps cool down with Liam and Jasp for 11.2km all up. Calves are tight now, I'll stretch out tonight.
Tuesday, 26 July 2016
Way better
Stressful day at uni today and I was feeling pretty awful when I got home. Got out for a jog though and felt so much better. 12.3km in 56:58, a few extra km to make up for yesterday. Then a few quick strides on the road before stretching off. Feeling awesome now.
Monday, 25 July 2016
Oh yep
Worst conditions I've ever done a session in tonight. Was looking up a bit at the start, although the wind was an absolute joke. So strong we did the strides with it behind us and ran faster than ever.
Back 400m had the wind straight in our face, absolutely awful and dropped the times a lot is would've said. I was doing 6 X 1km with 400m jog recovery. 3rd rep the rain started and only became heavier throughout the session. Sheets of it just blasted you in the face and side for 800m of each rep. It got to the point I wasn't really breathing just attempting to get the water out of my mouth. Then started hailing too, it was tough going.
The 6th one I just repped 1200m back to the clubhouse to get out of the weather. Didn't get a time as I forgot to split the watch at the start.
First 5 weren't great, suffering because of the wind I reckon. 3:16, 3:21, 3:21, 3:18, 3:20, ?.
Frustrated because of the wind, irratated that I didn't do a cool down because there was just too much rain, and pissed that I was completely drenched. Goddd you know you're a runner when your angry that the weather is getting in the way of training. First day back at uni tomorrow ffs. At least we got garlic bread tonight.
Saturday, 23 July 2016
19th plus long run plus strength
19th party last night which went great, I had a ripper time playing some high quality beer pong and dancing a lot. Probably why my calves are so sore now. Was in a pretty bad state when I went to bed so I should've woken up much more hungover but I was okay.
Cleaned up the house before getting it for a long run solo. Actually felt really strong the first half, but the night before kicked in during the second. Ended up being a pretty good in actually.
Covered 20.3km in 1:32:00, I'm used to the hills of Ferny keeping my pace down so the flat along the beach must've helped me a touch. Strength in the arvo was tough, didn't give it 100% just felt too tired. Stretching out helped me though. 75.1km for the week.
Pic from yesterday
Yesterday morning was a hill session which is always good. Thought it was going to be muddy as because of rain the night before but it turned out okay. Wasn't my best session, wasn't my worst, but on the bottom end of average I'd say.
Times went: 1:10, 1:12, 1:13, 1:12, 1:13, 1:14, 1:14, 1:11
23:08 for the session all up and 12.1km for the day.
Thursday, 21 July 2016
J cubed
Myself, JB and Jasper for tonight's run. 10km in 50 minutes, really easy after last night's session. 3 strides on the grass immediately following, then a strength session for the next hour. Characteristically tough, 40s 1 legged bridges right at the end had me on the ground for a good 5 mins afterwards.
Wednesday, 20 July 2016
10 X 400m
We're back on track baby. Awesome conditions to work with, warm up felt really good and the strides were fast. Got changed after some confusion as to whether we actually were going to train on the track, myself, Declan, JB and Sam plus a few of the girls decided to have a go.
Trained with Declan basically, but had Sammy and JB just ahead the entire session. It was honestly brutal, I haven't hurt that much in a session in a very long time.
10 X 400m with 60s standing recovery between each. I don't think any of us were ready for 10, Lesley saw how much we were hurting and gave us 30s extra recovery after the 8th rep. I might not have finished without that.
Started out at 68 and after two I was unsure if we were going to be able to hold it, but we managed okay.
Think I put some yards on Declan during the middle reps, but he got me on the last one as he does have a speedy finish. Really stoked with that one, bit of a go to session for the squad so looking forward to seeing it improve as we get further into track season.
Times went: 68, 68, 68, 68, 69, 68, 71, 68, 69, 70
Was hoping I could hit another 68 for the last, but I just had nothing left. 3 laps of the outside cool down with Eamonn for 11.2km all up. Sore and tired now, looking after mum who just had surgery on her Achilles so hopefully she can run without pain again.
Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Another easy
Feeling awesome today, up at Caulfield with Jasper, Sam, Liam and Deckers. 10.8km in 49:28. Felt so strong at that pace and looking forward to training hard tomorrow night. Running on grass was good too, just in an all round good mood.
Monday, 18 July 2016
Rossi and Sharon goodbye
We had a seeing off dinner for Sharon and Rossi today who are heading back to the Solomon Islands.
Really sore after yesterday, glutes were seriously tight. Just ran easy for 10.7km with Sam and Liam plus a few quick strides. Exciting to be training again after that taper week.
Sunday, 17 July 2016
Albert Park 10km 2016
Bit of a disaster from the start. Set my alarm for 6:30 but must've fallen back asleep, regained conciousness at 7:10 and had to get ready in 5 minutes. Somehow pulled it off without forgetting something.
Arrived and warmed up with most of the squad. Just a 2km jog before putting on flats and heading over to the start line. Gun went and it was pretty packed, stuck with JB weaving myself through the crowd. Didn't feel warmed up enough to be honest and a touch uncomfortable with the pace. First km split only a 3:26 but I was feeling okay all of a sudden. Continued to move up past the keen starters but JB got away from me.
Around the turning point still in a pack straight into the headwind, didn't feel it too much on the first lap as I had some shelter. Started hurting at about 6km. Just dropped off slowly but not too many people went by. Back into the headwind and my pace struggled badly. Couldn't get going and felt a good run slipping away. Last km just hurt so much until I managed to wheeze my way across the line.
Time was 35:48 so not ideal to be honest. A whole minute slower than last year so I'm fairly frustrated and disappointed especially as I did a bit of a taper. I've decided to just enjoy the training, keep it consistent and let the times come. Ran well last week so I think I just had an off day. It happens, so really looking forward to start training again now with an eye on track season.
Friday, 15 July 2016
Thursday, 14 July 2016
Last run 18 ay
Out tonight with Dad for an easy 8km. Stuck on the grass as much as possible, felt smooth and easy. Couple of quick strides afterwards to get that turnover happening. Spent the day at state schools cross country watching McKinnon cashing in on some quality positions. Enjoyed it, day of birth tomorrow, I'm just looking forward to the cake fam.
Wednesday, 13 July 2016
100 on 100 off
Easier session tonight, 3.6km worth of 100m fast, 100m easy. Went on the outside tan track solo because I was scared I'd get sore if I ventured onto the track. 8.4km all up.
Tuesday, 12 July 2016
That genuinely sucked
Radar gave us the all clear, but it poured anyway. Freezing cold and an icy wind didn't help matters. Coldest it's been here in a long time. Looking forward to a change in season, I've run in the rain too many times these last few weeks, it's actually pretty demoralising.
9.3km in 44 mins with Declan and Sam. Sam went ahead so Declan and I rotated the lead into the headwind. Hopefully the weather improves for Sunday. Here's what we were facing:
Monday, 11 July 2016
Through the motions
Sore after a pretty large weekend so decided to take tonight's session a bit easier, looking for that taper as well for the weekend. Massive session though so it was hard to judge.
Distance Monas so 2 X 600m, 4 X 400m, 4 X 200m, 4 X 100m with the same distance jog recovery between each rep.
Started out with JB on the 6s and 4s before he moved up to catch Sam and Will. I ended up feeling really strong running with JB with both the 600s in 1:58 and the 4s ranging from 1:14 to 1:19. Then the stomach started playing up so felt pretty shocking coming into the last sections. Ended up getting through it feeling easy, but not too fast either so can't say it was what I was looking for.
Just the 1 lap cool down with JB, Will, Declan and Sam. Calves are pretty sore from racing on the road. I'll roll a lot tonight and try and make sure my pace is real easy during tomorrow's run. 12.4km all up.
Saturday, 9 July 2016
Post race long run
Dark when I got up this morning, but drove Will and Soph up to Ferny. Ran pretty much the whole way with Sam, JB, Will and Eamonn. Quads were tender but tried to continue running after the hills as I seem to struggle getting over them on race day.
19.2km in 1:36:32. 77.1km for the week.
Sandown Relays 2016
After a bit of a detour back home when I forgot my watch, got to Sandown with half an hour to spare before the race. I was first leg, with Declan and Luke in the U20 team.
Again, tried to start out conservative as I hate blowing up in the second lap. Sandown is always a good course, it's 6.2km and normally used as a car racetrack so it's all road, with a few slow slopes up and down, but nothing too drastic.
Lots of people went out quick steaming ahead on the first lap, feeling really strong 2.5km in, I upped the ante a touch and split 10:25 for the first lap. Jasper helped out here calling out that there was only one lap to go. How good is sarcasm.
Pushed on still feeling okay but after 4km I was really working hard. Surged here up the hill taking a nice line around some bends and managed to catch the next bloke in my age group. I think his name is Michael McGuire (??). Went by down the quick fast so no one could latch on.
Before the last bend a group of 4 tried to pass, but I felt the competitiveness kicking in and managed to stay with them until the line. A women shouted a split of 20:35 to a runner beside me urging them to go sub 21. I thought it was a good chance for my build as well, but the straight was decievingly long.
Touched Declan's hand and collapsed on the fence with a time of 21:13, 11s faster than last year so that's all I could ask for really. Stoked with the run. Jogged a few km solo before running into Will and Jasp cooling down so did an extra lap with them. Their team managed a sturdy first place in the U18 with some pretty sporty times. 13.3km all up.
Cheered Sammy and JB round with them. A good 4 cups of tea at the GHY area made me forget about sore calves. Great hit out. Now getting ready for the big 10km next weekend.
Thursday, 7 July 2016
Nice run
10.2 in 48:47 with JB and Sam tonight. Great run felt awesome, while we heard about JB's new efforts at Pokemon Go.
Strength afterwards was tough, a touch nervous for Saturday, I'll probably spend all of tomorrow stretching.
Wednesday, 6 July 2016
Outta nowhere
Rocked up to training tonight, pouring with rain, myself and JB worked out it has rained everyday for the last 2 weeks in a row. Expecting some easy 100 on , 100 off due to Sandown relays this Saturday, but instead after the warm up was told it was 10 X 400m with 60s passive recovery.
Godd. Started hurting after the third one, head wasn't in the right place, trained really averagely. Wasn't expecting it to be so hard. Ended up breaking away on the middle reps, but lost the last one to some people who I probably shouldn't have lost to, but there you go.
Training on the outside tan track too so pretty muddy and wet as the rain came down the whole session. Also involved a hill which wasn't ideal. Got real jealous of pretty much everyone else who was on the track, their times were huge compared to mine so next track session I'll get involved, as I reckon I could stack up pretty well against them.
3 laps cool down to make up for my pretty pitiful performance. 11.6km all up.
Times went: 1:14, 1:08, 1:11, 1:14, 1:09, 1:13, 1:16, 1:10, 1:13, 1:16
Looking forward to Sandown, I think I'm first leg which is good news.
Monday, 4 July 2016
Back at Caulfield this arvo with Sam and Declan. Ride up there in the rain which wasn't ideal, but it stopped as soon as we started running. Ended up with 10.6km in 50:19. Nothing too sporty, but the strides were pretty quick today. Soaked by the team I got home, but a good run nonetheless.
6 X 800m
Didn't think the session would be as hard as it was, pretty stoked with my performance though. No core tonight as Anna was away and the warm up felt like a proper effort.
Few strides later and we're on the start line. Got out strong with Jasper right behind me, Will and JB just ahead. With the first 200m uphill and the last 200 downhill, it's a pretty wierd rep as you feel pretty good in the middle, but it's tough to keep it strong on the last bit because you're so tired. Recoveries definitely struggled more than usual, but they were long reps.
Times went: 2:30, 2:36, 2:33, 2:37, 2:35, 2:34
Jasper kicked past on the last one, but I took it out harder earlier so wasn't too suprised. Great to have him come by though, definitely helped me run faster. Some quick strides on the grass afterwards. 13.2km all up plus lots of strides.
Saturday, 2 July 2016
Pretty slippy all over at Ferny this morning. Jasper took a hefty tumble on a downhill section. Not too fast, Potato patch was tough today. 19.2 in 1:37.
Back at hills
First hill session for a long time because of races and the like. Really rough to be honest, struggled but unsuprised to be honest. Stoked to get it done though, felt great afterwards. Turned into a lovely day on the cool down which was great, despite the chill at the start.
Times went: 1:09, 1:10, 1:10, 1:13, 1:13, 1:15, 1:17, 1:16
23:47 all up.
Bit of a distaster towards the back end unfortunately. Bit congrats who Uncle Tom who blew 32 mins out of the water today at the Gold Coast. 12.1km all up.
Friday, 1 July 2016
Easy run with JB yesterday. 10.6km in off and on rain. Nothing too speedy although the watch thought we were flying. Strength with Anna afterwards. Haven't done that in a long time, thought I was near death on those 1 legged bridges. Really sore now, especially around the calves.
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
TT pacin plus modified Monas
Pretty pumped for the first session back. Core hit out before the warm up was characteristically tough, but I enjoy that ab burn.
New shoes felt great, perhaps a touch lighter and less bulky than my old adidas boosts. Hit the track for the first time in a while pacing Rossi around for a 1500m with JB, Jasper and Will.
1:57 for the 700, nice job by JB out the front, before Will and Jasper took over. Rossi ended up running 4:14. Followed up with a modified Monas session with Jasper. Did well on the longer reps, but struggled with the speed. 10.3km all up. Good stuff. I love running.
Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Went shopping with Mum today after a large night last night. Cashed in on some much needed clothes, while nursing a headache.
Ran solo at Caulfield in the evening. 9.6km in 44 mins. Nice run although too much to drink the night before had me stomach hurting most of the way around.
Monday, 27 June 2016
6km on Sunday feeling okay, then 8.5km Monday not feeling the best. Still pretty coughy and stuffed up. I'll run again probably run again today. Keen to get back to my consistent schedule I had going.
Friday, 24 June 2016
Woke up feeling okay and a lot better after my daily dose of bix. Thought about running but still a touch coughy, so hopefully I feel good as tomorrow after a decent sleep.
Watched the regional cross country. Run Mck did really well, with May pulling a huge 4th place. Will killed it as usual, going to the front from the start, keeping on pulling ahead throughout the entire race. Good run from him.
God I miss this show.
Missing running so much. Went to the Mizuno shop with Sammy, Claire and Trev to pick up on some huge deals. Normally it's only sponsored athletes allowed into the store, but Trev got us a free pass. Cashed in on 2 pairs of shoes, the Wave inspires and Wave sayonaras, a pair of trackies, a hat for Mum and a shirt for Dad, all for the same price as one pair of shoes. Elite. Here's some photos.
Happy Birthday Dad, he asked for this cake. Trust.
Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Come down a bit sick over the last two days, it's on my chest so too scared to get out running for fear of making it worse.
Tuesday, 21 June 2016
Easy tonight at Caulfield with JB, Will, Jasper and Sammy. Cold enough for beanie and gloves for myself. Glad I did as the headwind was vicious along the back stretch. 10.4km in just over 48 mins so really nothing too arduous. Some strides with Sam afterwards. Felt good.
Think the plan is a 3km time trial to pace someone for a good time tomorrow night at training. Not sure if I'll get involved as I'm scared of the track. I might do the first half or something and finish off with a session on the outside.
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