Wednesday 17 August 2016


The rumours were true. 10 X 400m on the track with 60s recovery. I was actually really nervous I was keen to train well. Melissa Duncan was at the track coaching a school which was pretty cool. She ran the Australian 1500m Olympic qualifier but couldn't go because of a stretch fracture. We were all too scared to ask for photos.

Myself and Declan on the track with a few behind us. Started hurting at number 4, but somehow kept then consistent. I was hurting so much on the last one, had a lie down on the track afterwards. Running in lane 1 was nice, someone kindly took the barriers down for us. 

69, 67, 67, 68, 68, 67, 68, 69, 68, 67

So stoked with that. 11.2km all up. 

I love bix. 

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