Tuesday, 13 December 2016

4 x 200, 4 x 200

So much speedwork these days. I don't remember doing anything like this last year. 

4 x 200m with 30 seconds of standing recovery, 5 minutes break, then the same set repeated. In some ways, the small recovery is good because it doesn't give you anytime to think about what's to come. There just time to slow up, turn around and walk back to the start line before setting off again. But the 5 minutes between ruins that making you overthink every detail.

I had never done this before so I was a bit uncertain how fast to go. 

29.3, 29.5, 29.8, 29.2

27.6, 29,1, 30.9, 30.8

Went way too quick off the start of the second set and didn't feel it. But it caught up with me very fast in the final two. So so tough, but not for very long considering both sets were over in 3:30. 10km all up.

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