Saturday 4 June 2016


Felt pretty shocking last night so I was considering pulling the plug. Woke up feeling good though so made the drive through the thick mist to Ferny creek. 

Only Sam, Eamon, some other dude and myself on the trails this morning. Apparently yesterday's 15km race was closer to 16km so everyone died and pulled up really sore. 

19.4km 1 hour 34 or so. Solid going, ran into Chris Hibbert from my old squad down there. Apparently he's been doing a lot of speed work for 8s instead of the distance stuff. 76.1km for the week.

Warburton training camp next weekend so I'm pretty pumped for that. I went on it last year some of you may remember the  blog posts. Should be really good. May keep it to single runs instead of double sessions, I don't want to get injured before Bundoora state champs the following weekend. I'll taper down for that one. 

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