Friday, 20 February 2015

No shoes son

Training last night was lots of Kenyan fartlek. Haffie, Jasper, Ciara and I getting the session done. We ran on the grass oval of DMK and Haftu with no worries of Achilles injuries took off his shoes and ended up running over 13km barefoot. The session was 8 x 2 minutes easy, 2 minutes hard then 6 x 1 minute easy, 1 minute hard. Started off fairly well for the 2's. Each grass loop was around 650m long and we were hitting from 2:50- 3:10 pace for each of them. Felt really strong and fit on the grass so a bit of a confidence booster. It was hot as well so rigs out was on the cards. The 1's went pretty quick but I was knackered by the end. Then Nick showed up for a cool down so I went barefoot as well which was really nice actually. I don't think I could do a whole session like my Ethiopian training partner but it definitely massaged the feet. 15.7km all up. Great training, Cheyne was stoked. I'm off to hills tomorrow so should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. Just do a little bit at a time barefoot Jack. It'll punish you.
