Wednesday, 18 February 2015

I swim like a brick

Yesterday had running club. Haftu, Jasper, Ciara and I doing some cross country work. The idea was 1200m hard, 600m easy x 5 for me. Started off strong and my times were as follows, 4:05, 4:03, 3:54, 3:57, 3:52. Haftu and Jasp stopped after 3 did a jog cool down then jumped in on the last which really helped. Haffie pulled me through the line with a bit of a fast finish. Enjoyed the distance stuff. Today had the school swimming sports which is the equivalent of aths day but for swimming. The theme was superheroes so dressing up was a laugh. Also had a dance off against the teachers which got way too competitive but it was a good time. Dancing to the John Cena theme song so more than a few people were thrown in the pool. I swam 50m free and came dead last no surprises there. Pretty good day to be honest. Ran after school 10km in 44:50. Tired at the start but go into it. As you can see below, found a classic year 7 who looked fairly similar to me, was way too keen for the relay but was probably faster than me. I picked up this fantastic captain America onesie from big w last night for $11:49. I'll genuinely wear this for the rest of my life.

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