Saturday, 21 February 2015


Hill reps this morning up at Jells. Training with Will who's a couple years below me and at the same school but a serious gun. 4th or 5th in Victoria for his age and he's around the same as me. I started fairly quick and I was ran 1:07, 1:09, 1:08 for my first 3. I was around 10m ahead of Will at the top of each hill, but then he'd absolutely murder the recovery and I'd be starting behind him at the bottom. It go to a point where I had to choose between racing him and doing the session properly ie. slowing the recovery and running stronger up the hills like Trevor suggests. I slowed my recovery but was getting increasingly frustrated as my hills were quicker and his recovery wasn't a recovery. Anyway my watch messed up so I didn't get the times for the rest of my 8 hills. Will was 30m ahead at the top of the 7th and Ben who ran 15:20 5km on the weekend was so far ahead I couldn't see him. Will stopped thinking he was done, I caught him and started down for 1 more. Then trev told him to do one more with me so the race was on. He came by and I really didn't want to lose this last one. I hung on feeling okay considering I was in serious trouble on the 7th. Down the twisty bit at at least 75km/h around the corner and we're back to the start of the hill, I gun it and drop him luckily and manage to egg out the lead to 20m or so. Not going to lie, fairly relieved to have done that.  Long cool down for 12.1km all up. Starting to feel the effects of a pretty big week.

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