Saturday, 29 April 2017

left right, hills ferny

Hills were solid yesterday. 7/8 reps were strong and that's the main thing for sure. Another thing that's for sure is that I've done this hill session way too many times. Looking forward to racing soon. Really cross country based these next couple. 

1:10, 1:09, 1:10, 1:11, 1:12, 1:11, 1:11, 1:16

Absolutely lost the plot on the last one just had nothing left. Wish I got it 4s faster would've looked much better. 23:17 for the session.

Ferny creek Sunday morning was one of the best runs I've been on in ages. Got the big loop plus the extra done for 19.5km in 1:38:00. Loved every second of it perfect temperature. 71.2km for the week. Extremely solid off only 5 days running. 85km on the bike as well, all of it hard kms. 

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