Saturday, 8 April 2017

Hills and spin

Hills yesterday was alright. Nice weather but missed the warm up so pumped it out with JB to get there before the session started. Probably went out a bit quick, definitely hurting by the end, but was running solo for the last couple so it's always tough to push yourself.

1:06, 1:11, 1:12, 1:10, 1:11, 1:11, 1:13, 1:13

12.1km all up and 22:52 for the session so the recoveries were pretty quick.

Was going to ride to ferny and back with Mahoney but the weather was disgraceful. Jumped on the spin bike and did 60 x 8s on, 12s off. Lots of stop and start, but I don't think I worked as hard as I could've. Done a lot of exercise this week to be fair.

Now I'm feeling a bit weird. Got a pinching pain on the inside of my ankle which occurs sometimes when I take a step. Never felt it before but noticed it yesterday. Really unsure about what it could be. Doesn't hurt when I run but walking I feel it sometimes. Might just do the session tomorrow and see how it pulls up. If it pulls up worse, this is the last straw and I'm going to the physio and taking a few weeks off just so my body can mend itself fully. These niggles have taken it out of me. I don't even care about being fast or slow anymore, I just want to be able to run and get some endorphins

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