Sunday, 28 February 2016


Too much alcohol recently so felt chat Friday morning after Stoup's birthday, although the night was a great time. 

Got out for a run in the arvo, 4 x 13 mins with 2 minutes walk in between. Probably went out a bit too fast but ended up cruising around 4:25s. 12.4km all up. I'll get down to training tomorrow night and step it up to 15 minutes run. 

Hopefully doing sessions soon! I'm really looking forward to it.

Ride this morning with Mahoney who is enjoying his full time work. Apparently it's pretty full on. 49km up to black rock then down to Port Melbourne. Definitely a tough ride. 

Then went to the strength session with JB and Sammeh. They raced this morning at the Warby fun run. Solid runs I heard. Strength consisted of that greedy battle rope, squats, lunges, lots of planking, medicine ball launches and general banter as we all found out that none of us have any upper body. 

Thursday, 25 February 2016


Was considering taking a rest day due to being knackered on Thursday, but the clearing of the clouds and some good weather told me to get moving. 

Down to DMK where I ran into JB and Sam doing an easy run, so I ran with them for my 12 minute sections before they did a minute out and and a minute back so I could do my 2 minutes walk and we could continue to jog together. 

Good run, core is going well, I'm up to 2:20 plank these days. 

Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Past couple of days

Had uni orientation week this week and have signed up for all the clubs and camps. It's looking pretty good. 

Went to running club on Wednesday and did 8 minutes run x 5 with 2 minutes walk in between. Felt good again, but unfit. 

Yesterday, due to the weather, went to a spin class run by a guy called Randal who was way too passionate for my liking. He made many ridiculous statements and it was good to see all the gym junkies lapping it up. Did 24km on the bike, definitely a tough session, although my hip flexor is feeling particularly tight today. 

Sunday, 21 February 2016


Had an amazing time down at the farm near Lorne. Looking forward to hopefully hoyting down again in the future. Damn good times. 

Here's some photos. Suuh dude. 
That bike was such a good time.

Got out for a run on Friday. Did 5 x 6 mins pretty hungover so the final hill was a grind. Great to run out in the country though. 

We did time trials on the scrambler and that was incredible. Went to find some sheep and was fairly successful. Cor and I were on cooking so we're hoping no one comes down with food poisoning. 

Drive home was pretty good, but of an end of an era with Uni starting this week. 
This arvo went and did the Sunday strength session with JB, before doing 5 x 7 minutes run, 2 minutes walk. Back felt great, fitness felt average, but a great run nonetheless. 

Wednesday, 17 February 2016


40km yesterday on the bike. Pretty windy but beach road was back in business which made life easier. 1:22 or thereabouts. 

Then this morning, back on the run. 6 x 5 mins run, 2 mins walk. Back felt good but fitness struggling again. 

Off to Lorne from Thursday until Sunday morning to a mates farm with about 15 of us. It's going to be amazing, really looking forward to it. 

Monday, 15 February 2016

Picking it up

6 x 4 minutes run, 2 minutes walk and it was great! Felt smooth and a but fitter than usual with no pain from the back. Covered around 6km in 34 mins so I'm a happy man. 

2 things I learned today. Tchami is a God and the new Game of Thrones trailer is something special. 

Sunday, 14 February 2016


Massage was characteristically painful last night but loosened me up a bit. This morning hopped on the bike with Mahoney for 48km in 1:40 or so. Great ride, despite the abundance of detours that were in place because of a triathlon going on.

Then did some core by myself before going to the new Glenhuntly strength and conditioning class with JB, Will and Sam in an attempt to pick up more glute strength. I'm definitely pretty weak so that's a spot for major improvement. I'll run tomorrow, make the step up to 4 minutes run.

Wednesday, 10 February 2016


Took yesterday off as I was knackered and the calves were just as tightly strung as guitar strings. This morning, there was not much change.

Went out for a run though stepping it up to 3 minutes run, 2 minutes walk. Felt pretty good but struggled on the ride afterwards doing only 22km. Decided I might be pushing a bit hard on all the rides so thought I may try to take it easy on run days, but to for it a bit more on the others. 

Back is feeling good but my legs are unbelievably tight. So booked a sports massage for tomorrow night. I reckon this on will be the most painful I've ever had, but I'm looking forward to feeling looser. 

Tuesday, 9 February 2016


Woke up earlier this morning and got out for one of those walk runs. Did 2:30 minutes run with 2 minutes walk in between. Felt loads better than the other day but I think the watch was having a go as it reckon I was hitting 3:25s when I was probably lurking closer to 4:15s. 

Then had some mates over for lunch which was good, before getting on the bike for 30km in 1:03 again. Pretty windy, but jumped on the back of some demons who overtook me up a hill. That helped me a lot. Tired now after that double sesh.

Monday, 8 February 2016

Everyone's injured

30km this morning in 1:03. It was pretty tough, although the wind was pretty generous. 

Went to watch running club tonight so I could feel partly involved and turns out everyone has been in the wars. Will has a stressy in his foot and is just coming back with me. Sam has been having foot and hip issues. Beau has hamstring issues, so we're all hoping for winter season wonders these days. JB is alright though and broke 2 mins for 800 on the weekend. 

Sunday, 7 February 2016

On the rise

Well 2016 hasn't had a great start. But we're coming back. 

This morning, got out for 2 minutes run, 2 minute walk 6 times and that went well. Didn't feel the back, but definitely felt the fitness struggling. 

Then went for 36km on the bike which wasn't quick but nice and easy. Feeling much better today. The build back will take a while, but I'm just glad to be back running. 

Wednesday, 3 February 2016


Yesterday, went for a 16km ride and regretted it as I was way too coughy afterwards. 

Nothing today, but going for a water run tomorrow. I'm so excited to get back training and get fit again. I'm really feeling gross these days. 

Back is better I reckon.