Sunday, 31 January 2016

Part timer

Feeling pretty chat this morning so got out for a walk run. I feel like one of those New Years Resolution devils. 

Did 1 minutes run, 2 minutes walk, everything felt good, except for the fitness. Breathing hard up a slight rise was embarrassing, although it might have had something to do with the hefty weetbix breakfast consumed only minutes prior. I kept my head down.   Hopefully this cold will Hoyt within a few days. 

Here's an absolute classic. Cycling is so damn good. I genuinely love it.

Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Nearly there

30km in 1:03 last night. Beautiful weather turned into wind and rain about 15km in so that took the pace down a touch. 

This morning went to the velodrome for a session on my own. 17 by 1 minute hard, 1 minute easy. 

That was a tough one, really felt that for the rest of the day.

Friday morning was meant to be a ride with Mahoney but due to the rain, we went to another spin class instead. Took it a bit easy as I had just done a session the previous day. 

Friday night, got everyone over and started watching season 3 of The 100. First episode wasn't great but second one lived up to expectations. Then Saturday morning can down headachy, sore throat so I did my first run back.

Did 1 minute of running with 4 minutes walk in between. Felt the back a bit but I was feeling pretty achy just from being sick so who knows. 

Some highschooler in America just ran 7:59 3km. Good god. 

Tuesday, 26 January 2016


Monday morning did a session by myself, but went of distance, not time, for this one. Did 1800m hard, 360m easy on the velodrome. Worked real hard once again and felt good.

Unfortunately I didn't get the splits on the distance as the bike computer can't do that one, so I might have to figure out a way to do it so I can see if my times get faster. Lurking around 35km/h average speed for the hard sections though. 

Yesterday morning, out with Mahoney to ride to black rock then turning around and getting back to Port Melbourne before heading home. Found ourselves into an elite group and it was a miracle I managed to stay with them. Hitting faster than 40 on the flat sections and just under 50 on the downhill, even with drafting, I had to work so hard just to stay on the back wheel of the guy in front. 

48km all up, before Australia Day festivities which went well into the night. I'll do 30km or so this arvo. Back is feeling pretty good, hopefully start jogging again next week. 

Saturday, 23 January 2016

World of pain

So Friday night might have been the biggest night of all time and I had an early start Saturday morning for a coaching course. 

Felt like I was going to munt as Dad drove me to the course but rocked up and turned out JB was doing it too so I had a mate thank god. 

Eventually felt better but ended up getting pretty sunburnt due to my focus on not being sick that morning instead of packing fairly important things such as lunch and sunscreen. 

Got the level 1 coaching qualification though so now I can work as a coach in athletics which is pretty cool. 

Didn't ride on Saturday. This morning though got out with Dad for 47km. He turned off a bit earlier though while I continued down beach road. Managed to drop some elite looking guys so I think I'm getting fitter on the bike. 1:33:26 was the time, good ride.

Thursday, 21 January 2016


I've really got to start posting these everyday. 37km on Wednesday in 1:15ish. Great ride, really tough into the headwind, but cashed in on the way home.

Thursday was supposed to be a session down at the velodrome, but rocked up asn there was a motorbike going around in front of a cyclist, so the cyclist had the ultimate drafting machine. It didn't look like a work out either as they would only ride fast for 2 laps before having a large recovery, and their fast effort was behind the motorbike and it of the wind.

I decided not to risk pushing buttons and  my life by attempting to do a session so pulled the pin and took a try day for the first time in 2 weeks. 13km for the rest day.

This morning, was planning to ride with Mahoney, but some hefty weather has hit Melbourne so we decided on a spin class instead. I always underestimate those greedy spin classes. Really tough, could barely walk down the stairs my legs were so jelly like. 17km all up. 

Tuesday, 19 January 2016


Yesterday was 30km in 1:02 after a very slow start due to traffic so I'm definitely feeling stronger on the bike. 

Caught a guy down beach road and stuck behind him before having a go out the front. Switched the lead a few times and said goodbye when I had to turn. Making friends is pretty easy in cycling. 

Then this morning did 4 x 5 mins at the velodrome with 2,5 mins recovery. No close calls this time and started to feel the burn early in the first one which wasn't a great start but once properly warmed up it went well. 15.2 in the session. 28km all up. 

Went to see Rob the physio after a recommendation for a second opinion on the back, a casual 28:50 10km man in his prime, he reckoned it was a stress fracture in my pelvis so that's not great. 

The thing is, I've had it for a while so  he reckons I've only got two to three weeks more off running which is good. But he says I should have a scan if it isn't feeling better by next week. I can still cycle though so it's not all bad. 

Sunday, 17 January 2016

Greatest (almost) hits

Another session by myself Saturday morning. Decided on 3 x 7 mins hard, with 3 minutes easy as recovery. 

Not too much to say about it other than it was really tough. The velodrome is a great place to cycle. However, there was a dad and two kids, playing on bikes on the velodrome. One of the kids came into my line as I was almost next to him, not realising I was there, so a hasty swerve and lots of shouting from me, expelling  my fear and fury that both of us would end with broken bones. 

Yesterday met Mahoney in the morning for a long ride. As soo as we hit beach road, loads of cyclists went by so we jumped in a group. We discussed beforehand that as soon as someone went by us, we were to jump onto the back of him so our pace continually became quicker. It was really fun and hard work at the same time as I had to take my turn at the front of the group a few times which hurts so much more than drafting in the middle. 

48km for that one. Due to my lack of cleats and road wheels, a bloke asked me if I did athletics and we talked about running for a bit. It made me miss running even more. 

220km for the week. Physio appointment on Tuesday. 

Friday, 15 January 2016


Ride with the Marn yesterday morning. Wasn't expecting the hefty load but ended up doing 40km. 

Ride out along beach road into some hefty headwind. The tide was proven to have changed, Marn is definitely stronger than me on the bike. Had to seek some occasional respite behind his back wheel when the burning quads became too much. 

Eventually reached a hill, although nothing massive, we did 3 reps up it, me struggling to hold on to Mahoney looking smooth next to me. 

Wind was nice on the way back.

This morning off to another physio appointment, still trying to find out what the actual problem is, but found a bit of success today as an exercise Nathan have lessened the pain. 

Hopefully not too much longer off the track. Then 16km this arvo as I was craving the exercise. 

Wednesday, 13 January 2016


Decided to do a session on the bike at the local velodrome yesterday, in an attempt to avoid the heat of today. It ended up going really well. 

I did 10 x 2 mins hard, 1 min easy. Really hurt, but the lungs don't burn as much as on the track, heart rate was sky high though. Felt great to work hard. Another devil was out there as well, who was better than me. I think he was doing 10 minute efforts or something similar, but he was really moving. He had an elite bike though, must've cost 10 grand. 

28km all up. Covered 15.6km in the session.

Then this morning out for 30km in 1:03:05. Worked up the hills, but then treated it as the equivilant of an easy run. 

Back is slowly getting better. Went to the physio yesterday who gave me some exercises and a massage so feeling that today. Got to keep these exercises consistent. 

Sunday, 10 January 2016


Dad was going out for a ride last night so I decided to join him to see if I could get some exercise with putting too much strain on this greedy back. 

Barely kept up with him, I'm obviously no talent on the bike. Great exercise though,  got that session feeling so I can maintain a bit of fitness while I'm out. Just over 16km so nothing too spectacular. 

Went by myself this morning for 30.5km. Had to ask for directions at one point, but now I know my way, that route should become a regularity I would've thought. 

I'll try some sessions on the local velodrome to simulate that running sensaish. Feeling so much better now that I've exercised. 

Saturday, 9 January 2016


Went out for a jog today with Mum after more than a week off. Lasted two and a half minutes before the back started hurting too much. This is turning into a long, long injury. Hoping something gets better soon, I think the physio is going to put me on a treadmill and see where I'm going wrong. Felt really unstable while running. 

Monday, 4 January 2016


Well the back hasn't really eased up since I stopped running on Thursday so I'm feeling pretty gross as exercise has been minimal. 
I'm seeing the physio tomorrow so hopefully I can learn what is wrong with me. 

Went for a swim yesterday I was that desperate. Did 1.25km before closing time. 

In great news I've come down with a cold, so sore throat and headache to add the joy of being injured. 
