Saturday, 15 August 2015

Last School Athletics

After aths being cancelled on Wednesday because of predicted poor weather, it was rescheduled for Friday morning, not the whole day like normal, so everything was a bit of a rush. Arrived and looked at the schedule and realised 1500m was right at the start so got out for a warm up with Will.

Will, who is normally in U16, ran in the open race so we could attempt a decent time, hopefully so one of us could run a school record. Did a few strides before we were toeing the line. I had a faster start than usual, keen to not get stuck behind anyone. Will snuck in ahead of me as we slowly reeled back some devil who thought he was in the 100m.

Wasn't too sure about the pace at the start, but we split through in 67s so right about where I would want to be. Will was still leading it out and I was getting worried I wasn't going to be able to hold on. All of a sudden I felt great and pushed right up to his shoulder and the pace surged a bit once more. Not sure what we split 800m in but I was still feeling magic. Took the lead here into the wind and it started getting tougher. Through the km and hit the final lap feeling pretty solid.

Upped the ante here, but I reckon I should've gone all out with 300 to go instead of injecting pace slowly. Pushing hard now as Will went by with 300 to go. Hung on until 100 where he edged away. He must've had a second on me by the end.

Great race though, I really enjoyed it. Time was 4:24 as well so a tied PB on a tiny race so it's looking good for aths season.

Didn't do the 400m but got pretty pumped for the 8 so warmed up for that around an hour later. Will was in this as well because of a lack of time so it was Yr's 10, 11 and 12 together. Corey offered to give me the split which was nice of him. Got out hard for the same reason as earlier and took the lead. Felt rough at the start but as I got into it, everything got better. Corey called 66 as I went by so I continued to work hard.

Reached the final straight fully expecting to be passed but nothing happened so stopped the watch at 2:13. Nothing special but pretty happy with how leading worked. Really good day, I had a great time.

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