Ran long yesterday, meant to only do the normal 18km but got my distances wring and ended up doing just over 19. Really hungry the whole time so I could feel the stomach bouncing around which was fairly strange.
Tonight however had the worst session of all time. Opposite this time and spent way too long on the toilet to no avail. Probs dehydrated. Anyway we did a strange fartlek where we took turns choosing the starting an finishing points for each rep. Tom, Chris, Haftu, jasper and I tonight so more than usual which was good.
Then we did 1 lap as hard as we could and due to my struggling ventures I got dropped, but ended up running 3:44 for the 1.2km. Then we did a lap of tabata which again was very average. 8km all up.
Racing in the next round of the cross country on Wednesday. Hopefully I'm feeling a bit better by then so I can redeem tonight's terrible session. The course is just under 5km and my pb for the course is 16:18 so we'll see how it goes.
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