Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Happy with that

Yesterday night had running club, quite a big group of us down which was really good, Nick, Chris, Dean, Haftu, Jasper and I. Started with 2.4km warm up then the session. We were doing 8 x 1km of 3 minutes recovery between each, this is the session where you really see how you are going, and it is so tough and not helping it was really windy, along the back straight of our km loop, the first 400m was straight into the wind. Started off not too fast which is very important, because vomiting  will occur if you do. 1st one was 3:11 which is faster than what we normally start with but I was feeling good. Then down to 3:08 for the second and 3:05 for the 3rd. I was leading all of them and really enjoying being out the front, pretty perfect pacing to be honest as well because we hit 3:05 for the 4th as well, exactly what we were looking for. Then a longer recovery at halfway before onto the 5th. We wanted these 4 quicker so 3:02 was the 5th, then 3:03 the 6th. Pretty sore at this point, but still wanted a big last rep. Pulled another 3:03 although I was trying to go sub 3:00 on the 7th rep, then on the final 1km ran 3:02, I had absolutely nothing left, my sprint finish was a joke, although really happy with the session. I didn't think I was in such good form so up and about. 11.6km in all.

This morning did 10km in 48:46, really hard still hadn't recovered from last nights session although feeling fine now.

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