Wednesday, 10 January 2018

Fortnite BR

Out on the racecourse last night with the regulars Jb and Jasp. Jogged around nicely keeping it easier than your average easy day which was appreciated. Kept the shoes on, although will hopefully rotate in the lack of footwear in future weeks. Ended up with 13km in 1:01:40 (4:44s).

Couldn’t make the session tonight so got out in the morning for a tempo. 6km in 22:05 (3:41s) and ran it real well. Picking up the pace throughout running 3:30s for the last few km and feeling very strong. Recovered afterwards real fast as well which was ideal. The onto the grass track, shoes off and ran 3 minute kms until it started hurting for some leg speed followed by 3 x 70m strides for the acceleration then jogged it home for 13.5km all up.

Work today, sore legs afterwards so had a good roll and feeling better now. Strength is looking good doing calf raises, dead lifts, squats, bridges and core every second or third day depending on how everything feels. I won’t keep you up to date on that it just sounds like I’m trying too hard which I definitely am.

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