Saturday, 13 June 2015

2015 Vic All Schools

So drove up to Bundoora this morning to watch Sophie's race, where she ran really well, 15:41 for just under 4km. Watched Will, Sam and Haftu all come within seconds of each other over 6km which was great to see.

Jogged around the park for 1500m before doing some drills, queuing for the toilets and putting on spikes. Got over to the start line and heard the marshal say 5 mins until the gun. Did a few more sprints to keep the heart rate up, then lined up and off we went. Fast start like every race these days but I kept it steady. The plan was a conservative first lap so I didn't blow up and I'm definitely glad I went that route. 8k is the furthest I've raced cross country so I didn't really know what to expect.

First 1500m steadily winds up a hill before reaching the highest point in the park. Feeling good here with some guys all around me, but I was still nervous about going hard too early. We ten went over the back of the hill on a fairly steep incline. I think I must've let loose a bit here as my watch split 3:09 second km. I had to look 3 times.

Didn't know the course at all which was probably a mistake but after reaching the bottom of the hill, we turned 45 degrees and started up another. This one was steeper than the first with bumps in it changing the gradient all the time so just tried to stay strong. Still feeling solid, before hitting a flat section leading up into yet another hill. Focusing on the guys around me, a few from general competition and one bloke who normally beats me by a fair amount is right on my tail.

Up this third hill before turning again into shallow downhill slope which was a appreciated. Stretched out down here to make up some time, but then hit the bottom, sharp turn into a steep short hill. Starting to feel it a bit here, over a crest and down to complete the first lap. Still have, the good guy, a  guy in my region who I normally beat, and another random near me. The goal was to work hard on the second lap and I did making my way through 4 places. I passed JB from Warburton up the first hill on the second lap, only learned after the race he went out way too hard, blew up and had to drop out.

Really feeling it now, just working to get to the top of the steep downhill. Here I went past the good guy, but the guy in my region went by both of us. He got away from me here, maybe I should've followed him but I didn't have the legs at this point. Continued down and around, the second hill really killed me, I struggled up it my quads on fire. Turned once more, Chris on the sideline here said everyone was really hurting now and that I just have to open up my stride and keep the cadence strong. Did just that and I felt myself working up closer to people ahead. Then it got me on the final steep, sharp section. Dad said I've got to give it everything from here and people were gaining behind me. Finished strong and luckily no one caught me.

Time was 29:31 for an unforgiving course. Average a touch over 3:40's I think. Happy with that though, I couldn't have gone any faster. Even now, quads feel like they're about to give way. Another race on Monday though so we'll see what I can do. 11.8 all up for today.

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