Sunday, 12 April 2015

APS Old Boys run at Scotch

Rocked up to the most ridiculously pristine high school I've ever seen this morning. The oval was magical but so spongy that it made it slow. It seemed like a waste of money and water to be perfectly frank but anyway this was where the race was. Since I don't go to a private school and am therefore not in the APS, I was just running with out a tag or number or whatever so I don't have an official time. Warmed up with Tom, some other guy, and the eventual winner. Did 2km jog on the joke of an oval before listening to the race brief which made clearer the fact that he won this race 60 years ago rather than the route of the race which had changed from the previous year.

Walked over to the start for some hasty strides before the gun went and we were off. Slow start for the leaders across the slow oval so I was within 20m of them. Then a steep, rocky 180 degree turn to continue on the smallest loop of the 3 that we had to run. Must've lost 5 seconds on that turn, it was really bad. Felt pretty comfortable as we started for our second loop, going past the finish. I was battling it out with a few guys while attempting to get on the pack ahead. Up the stairs which is killer before continuing along a downhill section. And round another km or so back to the finish. I kept working hard and eventually found myself on Chris' shoulder going back up the stairs. He got 10m on me before I pulled it back and apparently gaining 20m on him. Back around the same loop before hitting the start for an 800m stretch of slow oval. This is almost at the oval.

 However before I hit the oval. I passed a runner who was on his first lap and was running with a dog. The dog saw me and bolted ahead, I reeled it in with while it still had eyes on me. It tried to move out of my way but I went the same direction as it was turning before I attempted extreme evasive manoeuvres and tried to hurdle the dog that was under me by now. I think it copped a knee to the ribcage but it could've ended worse for both of us. This probably cost me a fair bit as Chris got back on board as we came onto the oval. He went by but I latched on as the pace hotted up for the last bit.

This was me just on his tail. I then went by while he asked me where the finish line was. We were both unsure at this point because of dodgy pre race instructions. Kept hammering and he out kicked me on the line which wasn't anything new. I ran 17:42 for the 5.2- 5.3km. Solid run and came in 15th or so. I wasn't given a place number. Not a big race of any sort, just treated it as training. Ran 10km home in 45:48 for a long run. 17.5km for today and 64.8 for the week. Back to school tomorrow.

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