Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Not planned

So yesterday was told by Coach Cheyne to enter the Vic running network twilight classic 3000m on Thursday, so running club tonight was lower intensity taper. Chris and I were on the track doing 1200m, 800m, 600m, 400m, 200m. It was pouring with rain the whole time, windy as well which is just unbelievably frustrating as I get nervous as to what form I'm in. So cold today that I was wearing trackies and a hoodie while warming up and doing drills. Winter is setting in. The 1200m was okay, I led the second lap into the brutal wind. Time was 3:49, but I was tensing up to much, trying too hard to take it easy. When someone says easy taper, I think I shouldn't be trying so then I stress when it's harder than I reckon. Combined with the abhorrent conditions, it wasn't great mentally. In this race, I'm going to understand that it's going to be rough and then I think I'll relax. The next rep was the 800m and I led it out way too fast in 68s. We ended up running 2:21, not too shabby at all. Then the 600m which was 1:50 and solid. During the 400m, the wind picked up and made the last 100m brutal and we only ran 72s. Keeping in mind, this was not at all maxing out. The 200m was 31s and it felt easy which was good. 8km all together.


  1. Give it a good crack Jack. I was thinking the other day you need to race more.
