Sunday 11 January 2015


Up this morning for a hill session as they seem to grow here. Dad came out to time me and I was running up Suburb St from the lake. The hill is 200m long and I jogged back down for recovery each time. Really steep, so steep I could barely manage 5 minute km pace up it. My times were 65s, 65s, 67s, 65s, 63s, 69s, 64s, 56s. Happy enough but I have no idea if that's good or bad as I haven't done that session before. It was tough so I'm happy though. Did a longer cool down for 8.7km all up. Also did Quad biking today, it was really good and managed to get some drifts in which I was stoked about. Very dusty, so the track was tough to see but really enjoyed it. Long hike tomorrow.

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