Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Tonight track season has officially started and we kicked it off with the classic 400's. We trained on a 1200m track, so 3 sets of 3 x 400m. There was an easier, medium and harder set with recoveries corresponding to the difficulty. 1 minute recovery for the easy, 2 minutes for the medium and 3 minutes for the hard. Started off with the easier ones. The first rep of each set is always up a hill and the second of each set is always down a hill. First one is always tough and hit 75s up the hill, then 70s, then 71s. Mediums were 68s, 65s, 65s the sixth was really tough. Really pushed it up the hill for the 7th and managed 65s but felt sick after that. Then 64s, then the last 63s. Felt really rough after that but pretty happy to be honest. Puts in perspective farah finishing 10k's with 53s last 400 and rupp finishing the last 800 in 1:57. Bit of a joke but yeah pretty happy. 7.2km all up, have house athletics tomorrow so should be fun. I'll try run a quick 800m.

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