Sunday, 31 August 2014

New routes

Up to ferny this morning for our long run, me, Chris and a couple of young guns from national cross country and all over. We took their route instead so didn't hit our normal monster hill but a couple different ones hurt just the same. 15km in 1:15:59. Felt pretty good and it was shady which helped with this new heat hitting Melbourne. Got a speed session tomorrow which will be a bit different, we'll see how it goes.

Cassidy, Chris and I just after recovering from Cheyne's aggressive driving.

Saturday, 30 August 2014


Big night last night so woke up tired and dehydrated. It is hot again today, but got out anyway for a harder Saturday session by myself. Started off with easy running for just under 3km before starting a 3.6km tempo. It was slow in 13:20 and hurt way too much but I was pretty tired from last night. The some more easy running before doing a 2km tempo in 7:10. Then more easy running for 12.3km all up. Pretty happy to be honest, lots of km's although the times were bad.

Thursday, 28 August 2014


Yesterday took out a 10km in 43 something. Felt easy and cruisy which was great considering the solid pace. Then did a 150 at the end.

Running club tonight and some of the big dog 1:55 800m runners came down because track season has started. But they're out of shape so its all good. I ate too much before I went which was stupid. But it's hard to control yourself when you come in from school because you've been at school so it's like depression eating. Next time just the 2 pieces of toast shall suffice. Did a couple of 1200m in 3:57 and 3:55 was harder than normal but still easy as. Then some 360m reps in 63s, 57s, 64s, 59s. A bit more lactic but not too bad. I had loads left. 6.2km all up. I'm racing next week in the next round for the 1500m. I'm going to take it out really hard and beat them aerobically and not do anything stupid like rely on my pitiful kick. Also going to Ferny Creek this Sunday for the long run. We love 90% gradient hills.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

Quality not Quantity

Had a rest day yesterday but tonight Tom, Jasper and I pumping out the distance stuff tonight. (1km followed by a 400m) x 4. Started off a bit conservatively with the first km in 3:10 before the first 400 in 66s on the track. Next km fair bit quicker in 3:04 but didn't feel it and the 400 was quality in 66s again. Recovered and hit 3:01 for the next km which surprised me and I managed drop everyone on the following 400m in a 65s, 2 seconds ahead of everyone else. But I definitely paid for it on the km I managed 3:03 but I was pretty stuffed, Tom pulled ahead but about 3 seconds in the last 200m. But I pulled a 64s last 400m after the km so really happy in all. So lactic afterwards, definitely felt it then and feeling it now. 9.2km all up.

Sunday, 24 August 2014

Keeping it going

Yesterday was the hottest day in ages so a big change from the cold and wind. Dehydrated as well and pretty tired so ran shocking. My watch ran out of charge as well, so rough as in general. Struggled through 10km in who knows what time.
Today though did 14.5km in 1:08. Felt great and running was easy as, picked up some bread on the way home so did the last km holding it. 62.1km for the week.

Thursday, 21 August 2014

More Fartlek

Tonight, just Nick, Tom and I doing Ethiopian Fartlek. The first set we took a bit easy because of the huge distance to come. Stepped it up on the second and again on the third and I was absolutely finished by the end. Recovering aerobically really fast so I always get nervous I'm not working hard enough. Anyway 10.8km of hard work and 13.5km all up.

Wednesday, 20 August 2014


Last 2 periods of the day got cancelled, so got out for a run instead. 36:02 for 8km. Felt great not hard at all at 4:30's so no worries there. Then did a couple of 150's just because speed is pretty important now track season is coming. 8.3km all up.

Tuesday, 19 August 2014

4 x 1200m + 2 x Tabata

First session back after being sick, trained really well much better than I though I would after being so sick. Did 2 x 1200m before the 2 tabata and the times were 3:52 and 3:51. Felt easier than normal which was a good sign but just tucked into the large squad tonight during the Tabatas and let the leaders do a bit more work. Then for 2 more laps. Went a bit quicker on the first of the last 2 making a very solid time on the first of the last 2 1200m in 3:46, didn't hurt too much, but the last one definitely did although it was only a few seconds quicker in 3:42. Warm down for 10.8km all up, stoked. Good luck as well, to Chris, Haftu and my sister who are on the Victoria team and are racing on Saturday.

Monday, 18 August 2014

Back into it

Just over 4.5km today, shortest run I've done in a while. Still recovering from Friday night, don't feel hungry at all and really tired. I get lactic just from walking up stairs.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Kenyan Fartlek

2 minutes easy 2 minutes hard x 6, then 1 minute easy 1 minutes hard x 6. Tom, Jasper, Nick and I tonight, started off solid on the 2's and gradually increased the pace until the last one was very fast. Then a recovery before starting the one's, all well and good until the second last one when Nick absolutely gunned it and I stayed with him. Managed to get a bit ahead of him as well, but then on the last rep he beat me by a fair bit. Nick is seriously fast over those shorter distances. 12.3km all up.

Achilles was a bit sore after so I rested up Friday but in the evening came down with something pretty rough and struggled through the night vomiting every hour or so with a horrendous sore stomach. Feeling okay now but probably won't run. Bit of a harsh ordeal.

Wednesday, 13 August 2014

10km + 4 x 150m

Tonight felt pretty good so got out for a 10k and a bit of speed. Last few km of the 10 was a struggle because needed the mother of all dumps with around 2 to go. Still hit 46:36 so pretty happy. Then did 4 150m. Didn't think it was going to be as hard as it was but got it done. I'll try do a bit of speed after each easy run. Hopefully it will improve everything. Really hurt on the 3rd and 4th but happy I managed.

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

3km, 2km, 1km

Tonight had running in the cold, wet and windy conditions of Duncan Mackinnon. Did 2.4km warm up then the session. Started off with the 3 in 10:07 but the watch said the 3km split was 9:59. Felt okay harder than it should've. I reckon I ate too much as well before the session. Definitely will keep it in check Thursday arvo before the next one. Hit 6:33 for the 2km although the watch said 6:26 for the split. This was pretty rough but I am scared that I am just not running fast enough. There is a fair hill in the track that we run on but still I am worried. Then for the last k 3:02 so alright but really nothing special, Chris outkicked me in the last 200m and I just couldn't be bothered. Pissed off now, but whatever. I just feel unfit and I don't know what to do. 10.8km all up.

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Long Run

Today did a long run with Declan and Chris. 16.2 in 1:20:33, a bit slower than usual but I was sleepy so it was okay. Played soccer as well this afternoon, pretty tired now.

Friday, 8 August 2014


Went to running club last night although I was still tired and sore from yesterday and the day before. Only did 4 1k reps all in 3:08 so consistency is good. Just really sore this morning. Ill rest today and take it easy tomorrow, and then do a long run on Saturday so I should be right for next weeks training.

Wednesday, 6 August 2014


Yeah so school aths today. In the 1500m sat on the leader and planned on kicking the last 400m, but I got out kicked. The first km was in 3:30 that's an actual joke. I'm really disappointed and definitely never taking it easy on the start laps ever again. Then did a 400m and came second but that was to be expected. Then 800m pretty tired then and calves were sore from all day in spikes and last nights killer session. Second again after getting out kicked again. Just sore, tired and pissed off now, all this hard work seems to be getting me nowhere. I should be absolutely slaughtering these guys and I'm just hung up on ridiculous tactics and taking it easy. At districts first km will be in 2:50 and we are not slowing down, I am going to really take it to these kids now and make it all fast and aerobic. Keeping that in mind, speed will definitely be worked on.

Tuesday, 5 August 2014


Tonight track season has officially started and we kicked it off with the classic 400's. We trained on a 1200m track, so 3 sets of 3 x 400m. There was an easier, medium and harder set with recoveries corresponding to the difficulty. 1 minute recovery for the easy, 2 minutes for the medium and 3 minutes for the hard. Started off with the easier ones. The first rep of each set is always up a hill and the second of each set is always down a hill. First one is always tough and hit 75s up the hill, then 70s, then 71s. Mediums were 68s, 65s, 65s the sixth was really tough. Really pushed it up the hill for the 7th and managed 65s but felt sick after that. Then 64s, then the last 63s. Felt really rough after that but pretty happy to be honest. Puts in perspective farah finishing 10k's with 53s last 400 and rupp finishing the last 800 in 1:57. Bit of a joke but yeah pretty happy. 7.2km all up, have house athletics tomorrow so should be fun. I'll try run a quick 800m.

Monday, 4 August 2014

Albert Park 10km

Got up early yesterday for this race. Really flat and fast although with some tricky turn around points. Did a warm up with Chris, Sam and the fellas. I was about 4 rows back from the startline but next time going to get right up there. Really packed and someone took a tumble within 5m of the start bringing down some more people with her. Started strong with the first km in around 3:15. Felt fine until 3km hitting 2 and 3 in around 3:30 each. Felt a bit sore after 4km but not too bad. Then through 5km in around 17:30 so almost perfect split there. Pretty sore at this point and definitely nervous about the next 5. Hung in there and stayed behind another bloke up until around 6km when I wanted to push. A Glenhuntly runner came by me and I stuck on him and soon saw Chris up ahead. Caught Chris at around 7.5km, and went by him. This was a fair miracle. He then stuck on me and went by about 500m later but then I came back to his shoulder but another surge from him saw me finished. 1km to go and I was exhausted. Pushed on though, the last 300m was on the track. Definitely very rough, but happy enough with the time of 35:39. Really want to break 35 minutes soon though as that seems to be where all the big dogs are finishing in around 34:30. Have the Melbourne Marathon 10km in 2 months. Will put in the hard yards between now and then and see what comes of it. Played soccer as well in the afternoon. The sorest I have ever been now...