Monday, 12 May 2014

School Cross Country 5km

Today was the school race and Nick and I were the main contenders. We had a plan already devised to start off slow for the first 3km then speed it up in the last 2 in order to drop everyone well and good. We did exactly that with the first km in 3:31, a bit faster because of the start line nerves but then we settled back for the 2nd km in 3:48 and the 3rd in 3:52. Honestly felt as if I could run that pace for the rest of my life. Feeling great at that point and we stuck to the plan and sped up a bit with 2km to travel hit 3:33 for then next k we dropped everyone within 300m, but I should've gone faster. That is where is should have gone hard and dropped Nick. We continued on though back through the school the pace intensifying again then a strange, turny section in the school had me hit a pole and lose a bit of pace. Nick had the lead now and was pushing on, I caught him but I didn't want it enough I am sad to say. He got me in the last 300m and ended up 15m ahead. Last km was in 3:22 and really quite disappointed. I have to develop mental toughness if I want to win races and I have to also run my own race. Want to start training again though and a big session tomorrow is sounding good.

1 comment:

  1. If you're serious about winning a race then don't share your race tactics with the other competitors !
