So on Thursday we had running club and we did another neopolitan like the one a few weeks back. Did 1.2km lap Tabata, 2.4km laps Kenyan Fartlek, 2.4km laps Shermy Fartlek, then 1.2km fast. Started off hard, as a commonwealth games 3000m steeplechase entry was up at the track, but got through feeling fine. On the Kenyan again decent pace on the 2's and 1's getting around 2:40 pace on the last 1. Then the Shermy fartlek which is a bit of a new one, 30s hard, 30s easy, 45s hard, 45s easy then up to a minute then 90s then 2 minutes. Felt really good on this one really pushing the pace with around 800m to travel. Then a rest before the big last lap. Started off pretty fast and forced myself to stick with Haftu and Nick. Then got a burst of energy and picked up the pace with 600 to go. 450m later I was dropped, but managed to hang on so they only finished 4s in front. I ran 3:38 a tied pb so pretty stoked after 5 laps of training. 10.8km all up.
Today was the APS Old Boys 5km which is a race for people finished school from the APS schools. However anybody can run pretty much so I just got down for my first lesson in cross country racing. Started off really fast and went through the first km in 3:08 which was faster than I did on the track at Vic Juniors. Pretty foolish and I really felt it in the last 2km. Then slowed down to 3:31, but I was feeling alright, next was 3:28 so I managed to hold the pace a bit up until 3km when I dropped off, 3:44 then 3:50 so definitely need to work on the stamina. Race was actually 5.2km and I was really disappointed when I finished with a time of 18:22. So all in all, need to work on going out slower. I have been feeling great after running 3:20km's in training so I will keep it around there next time. Probably wasn't a great pre-race meal either the night before so it all affects it but considering, the last 200m was in 40s so 17:40 for 5km sounds a bit better. Learned my lesson for cross season now so hopefully the plan shows in the next race.
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