Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Back in Business

So back to running club tonight to get back into the quicker stuff. We did 1200's. It was Haftu, Chris, Nick and I training but we were all doing different amounts of reps and different types. We started together doing a normal 1200 a bit slower. Aiming for 4:05, we ended up doing 3:57. No worries though we kept going for the next one a bit faster going 3:56. As I am now starting to train for cross country I have to do more reps, slower and less recovery, while Haftu and Chris both are going to national 3000m so they have to do less but quicker. Because of this, they went out faster while Nick and I, settled back. We ended up running a 3:53. Felt not the best there and on the last one needed a dump 600m to go so took a toll on the time. 3:52 it was, so pretty disappointed, felt like I had the legs for going sub 3:45 but the need of a shit always makes everything a struggle. Next rep, we did a tabata so 20s hard, 10s easy. Felt ok, all in all good to get back into the quicker stuff. 11km all up including warm up and cool down.

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