Thursday, 30 October 2014

We're back

Tonight great session, got up to running club with Haffie and Tom to do some 400's. Fairly complicated session so I'll explain as I go. Started off with 3 x 400m off 1 minute passive on the outside track. First 1 had a hill in it but still posted a quality time of 73s. Then the next was down so took a few seconds off in 70 flat before final one in the set of 73s. Then the second set was another 3 x 400m but with 2 mins passive and faster. We hit 71s up the hill, 67s back down and 68s for the third. Then we went onto the track for the final set. 4 x 400m with 3 minutes passive and faster still. Just coming onto the track brought the times down and we went 63s for the first one. Not going to lie I thought we were going to blow up, but we held on. 63s again before a 62s. Maxed out after the second last one absolutely dead. Tom went out quick on the last and I couldn't stay in touch, went through 200m in 30 flat and Tom went through in 29. Last 100m, Haftu and I started reeling him in but we couldn't bridge the gap, Haftu came by me with 50 to go I couldn't hold him off. Collapsed after I finished and had to be helped off the track so I didn't get in anyone's way. Great session though, cool down was the hardest 2.4km I've ever done. 8.8km all up, good work.

Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Great Run

Did an easy 10km tonight in 49:58. Just a general good run, went with Matt, Harry who's trying to get fitness to make the Sandringham Dragons Footy team and Chris who coming of being sick as well. Cycled there and back and got on some jump squats before the run to try and train a bit of lactic tolerance.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


Got up to running club with quite a big squad. Me, Haftu, Chris, Tom, Declan, and Ciara got the session done which was pretty similar to last night. 2km, 1km, 2km. Absolutely unbelievable wind tonight again, it really needs to settle down. Started off well in the 2km hitting 3:15 for the first and ending with a time of 6:43. Then the 1km was good in 3:09, but the 2nd 2km was rough, I was a man in pain to say the least, came in at 6:53 just dead. I'm really unsure about where all my fitness has gone, it seems to have gone out the window in 2 weeks. Cheyne reckons I'll be back in business by next week after being sick has been completely wiped out. Good to know this won't last long. 8.6km all together tonight before a high quality game of Futsal.

2km, 1km

Got out for a first session back by myself, really windy which killed me and still tired and coughing up rubbish. 2km I did in 7:05 and the 1km in 3:07. Felt better after doing that. 8.8km all up.

Sunday, 26 October 2014

Longer Run

This morning got out for an easier long run of 11km. Still had a sore throat this morning which frustrated me beyond belief, my immune system has given up I reckon, thrown in the towel. Feeling okay now though. Did the 12km in 56 something.

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Back in Business

Been fairly sick all week and really glad to get out on the hop this morning. Did the same session as last week with all the boys from school. Still coughing up rubbish and breathing was a bit more difficult so didn't train as well as last week but it wasn't too bad. Felt good to do some tougher stuff it's amazing how not running makes you feel awful. 6.2km all up. Also think I'll start swimming occasionally, seems to be helping a couple of the boys at the club with recovery as well as improving fitness so I might have a ping.

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

The Kenyan

After the run Sunday just got sicker, same on Monday, bit better today. Got down to training tonight and just struggled. Did Kenyan Fartlek, 2 minutes hard 2 minutes easy, only did 5 and was done in. It was slow as well, must be still fairly sick. Around 7km all up. Dad seems to think I am overtraining and I have a sneaking suspicion he's right. Easy runs are definitely too fast and I don't seem to be doing enough of them. What do you think?

Sunday, 19 October 2014

Mixing it up

Yesterday met up with some mates from school for a bit of lactic training. The deal was, we ran between 2 cones 50m apart, completing there and back 3 times inside 1 minute and then resting for 1 minute. So say doing there an back inside 1 minute then the 1 minute recovery is one rep, we did 4 reps then a bigger 2 minute break, 3 reps, 2 minute break, 2 reps, 2 minute break, 1 rep then finished. Really tough to be honest, the turning at each end made it really difficult and it really worked your speed. You couldn't get a rhythm either because of the constant changing of direction, I trained well though, managing to do the last one in around 53s. Ran from home to the session and back again for 9km all glad I did it.

Today went for an easy 8km, in 39:00 not feeling great to be honest, stuffy nose, dry throat, hope it doesn't get worse as I'm racing next weekend.

Friday, 17 October 2014

On my own

Didn't feel like running club last night so pumped out a session on grass by myself. Pretty tough but I really enjoyed it to be honest. Bit of a complicated session, 9 mins hard, 8 mins hard, 7 mins hard all with 3 minutes passive recovery in between, followed by 3 mins hard, 2 mins hard, 1 min hard with 2 mins and 1 minute recovery in between respectively. Started strong and covered 2.67km in the first 9 mins. Then 2.41 in the 8 minutes so going pretty well I thought. The 7 minutes was tough but still covered 2.05km before the 3 minute rep. Instead of doing the 3 mins I just did 11km instead and hit a 3:12 which was great. The 2 minutes and 1 minute were okay covering 640m and 300m respectively. Great session though, felt fit and fast. 10.3km all up.

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Easy and Tempo

Last night got out the door to do 5.5km easy followed by 4km tempo pace. Feta great and hit around 3:40's on the tempo and 4:30's to 4:45's on the easy. Good run. 9.5km all up in 39:25

Wednesday, 15 October 2014


Got down to running club last night and in for a pretty big session. 30s, 45s, 60s, 90s, 2 mins, 3 mins hard with 60s jog recover in between each x 3. Started off very strong and covered almost 4km in the first set. Then back down but dropped out after the 2 mins for a toilet stop but jumped back in for the last set. Was very sore then from the 10km on the road. Quads hurting the most so pretty happy with how I trained. Still covered a fair amount of ground in 13.3km all up. Looking forward to another tough session Thursday.

Monday, 13 October 2014

Melbourne Marathon 10km

Another early start and another lack of warm up killed me for the race. Went out solid and lust lost it at around 3km. Ended up running just under 40 mins nearly 5 minutes off the Pb. Just didn't have it in me after the races on Thursday and just generally tired. Next time I reckon.

Thursday, 9 October 2014

Regional Athletics 2014

Got up early to get the bus from school to the track. The bus was specifically for taking us to Casey Fields but the driver had absolutely no idea about anything. My 3000m started at 9:30 and at 9:15 we stopped on the side of the road to get out the 76 year old map someone found under a seat. We got there with legitimately 5 minutes to spare so I grabbed a singlet, changed into spikes, got to the line, ticked off my name, did 1 run through and then the gun went. No time for a jog, strides, drills or water, it's safe to say the warm up was disappointing. It was an open 3000m and the 1st km was fast in 3:00 then just wasn't concentrating at all, the lack of warm up killed me and just messed it up. Ended with a time of 9:36 and 5th position. Not bad, but not what I was hoping for either. Then waited until around 3 for my 1500m. The start was slow with all the quality holding back and the unsure's out the front. I sat on the favourite for a bit before surging ahead to the lead pack. Overtook them all and kept rolling, I kept pushing trying to drop people on my tail but to no avail. Got out kicked by 2 people on the line but put up a solid fight. Speed has come on a bit which I'm glad about. Still managed a podium which was great and a Pb time of 4:24. Pretty good run the 1500 although I reckon faster still if someone was ahead of me.

Tuesday, 7 October 2014


Tonight cut down a bit as I'm racing in 2 days. I have a 3000m and a 1500m on the same day but 4 hours apart so plenty of time to recover. Pb's for both are 9:40 and 4:27 so I'll try and knock them both off. Tonight did 1200m, 300m, 1200m, 300m which was half of what the other distance boys were doing. Didn't kill myself of the 1200's coming in 3:52 and 3:50. Really slowed down the last 400m on the second one and a good time without a kick home was handy. The 300's were a struggle because of this irritating wind. Times were 46s and 44s. 9km all up, solid enough.

Sunday, 5 October 2014

Weekend Summary

Yesterday did an easy 10km which wasn't so easy in 46:52. Really hot which makes everything a struggle. Did a couple of 150's after as well for a bit of speed. Then finished off the easy week today with a 17km long run in 1:20:57. Felt okay but after a big night last night I was glad just to get it done.

Thursday, 2 October 2014

Feeling good

This morning went for 12.7km in 56:04. Felt good, not too hard although I think I should've taken it a bit easier. Next time definitely slower on the easy runs.

A bit different

Last night, trained with a different coach as my coach wasn't running training this week. We did 12 x 200m with 200m float recovery in between each. It wasn't windy which was a fair miracle and the session was pretty good mainly because we rarely do a float recovery and it made it more difficult and more aerobic. Apparently it was training speed endurance and that sounded like a good thing. Started off solid but not too quick and slowly upped the pace throughout the whole session, I think I was mainly hitting 32's and 33's so I am happy with that. It was really tough to be honest and I gunned it on the last one so much that I couldn't jog back to where we were supposed to meet afterwards. Around 10.6km all together.

Wednesday, 1 October 2014


Yesterday, got up late to find that it was the middle of summer and that Melbourne's first hurricane had just started. Pumped out the run anyway feeling pretty good doing the 10km in 44:11. Felt easy enough, what you need really.